Non c’è bisogno di sapere il tedesco per rendersi conto dai dati statistici sottostanti, tutti di provenienza accademica e medica, della smisuratezza dell’inganno a cui si è sottoposto la popolazione di mezzo mondo per far passare i progetti di una dittatura globale tecnoscientifica, eminentemente farmaceutica e digitale. sulla base di dati falsi. Altro discorso andrà poi fatto sui decessi causati e sui danni materiali e psicologici provocati dalle misure adottate dai governi subalterni a queste élites
Il primo quadro elenca i tassi di mortalità da infezione Covid-19, basati sugli studi degli anticorpi risultanti dai sieroprelievi
Il secondo lo stesso tasso basato su studi PRC (Population Research Center) tra sottogruppi di popolazione
Poi, in italiano, è sulle classi d’età negli USA
Il terzo rappresenta esiti di studi IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) basati su modelli o previsioni epidemiologici
Il quarto contiene studi aggiuntivi basati su anticorpi e relativi a località circoscritte
Nel quinto sono registrati i decessi attribuiti al covid-19 per classi d’età secondo paesi.
Poi ci sono i tassi di ospedalizzazione e i dati relativi alle morti di persone ricoverate in strutture cliniche.
Infine le morti in Svezia secondo i media e quelle reali.
Buono studio,
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Da: Jens Wernicke
Inviato: giovedì 21 maggio 2020 10:48
A: ‘Jens Wernicke’
Oggetto: [RUBIKON] Weltweite Studienlage
Wie von Tag 1 an ersichtlich: eine leidlich reguläre Grippewelle – die nun die globale Diktatur etablieren helfen, und deren „Abwehrmaßnahmen“ zehntausende Leben zum Opfer fallen:
Published: May 12, 2020; Last updated: May 20, 2020
Share on: Twitter / Facebook; Main article: Facts on Covid-19
1) Covid-19 infection fatality rates (IFR) based on antibody studies
Population-based antibody seroprevalence studies.
Country | Published | Population | IFR (%) | Source |
Global | May 19 | 12 countries | 0.02 – 0.40 |
Study |
Germany | May 4 | Heinsberg Cluster | <0 .36=”” o:p=””> |
May 1
Guilan province
<0 .12=”” o:p=””>
April 30
Santa Clara County
April 28
Blood donors (<70y o:p=””>
April 24
Miami-Dade County
April 21
Los Angeles County
<0 .20=”” o:p=””>
1) The adjusted IFR is 0.278% (see page 9 of study); 2) Based on 300 deaths.
2) Covid-19 infection fatality rates based on controlled PCR studies
Controlled PCR studies in population subgroups.
Country | Date | Population | IFR (%) | Source |
USA | May 10 | MLB employees | 0.00 | Report |
France | May 10 | Aircraft carrier | 0.00 | Report |
USA | May 10 | Aircraft carrier | 0.09 | Report |
USA | May 1 | Tennessee prison | 0.00 | Report |
Italy² | April 28 | Health workers | 0.30 | Study |
USA | April 17 | Boston homeless | 0.00 | Report |
USA | April 17 | Boston blood donors | 0.00 | Report |
Ship | April 17 | Diamond Princess | 0.13¹ | Study |
Greece | April 16 | Repatriations | 0.00 | Study |
USA | April 13 | NYC pregnant women | 0.00 | Study |
1) Age-adjusted IFR based on US population.
2) Deaths in Italian health care workers by age group (ISS, April 28, 2020)
3) Covid-19 infection fatality rates based on models
Covid-19 IFR based on epidemiological models or predictions. These values are often higher than the actual values based on serological antibody studies (see above).
Country | Published | Population | IFR (%) | Source |
France | May 13 | France | 0.70 | Study |
Switzerland | May 11 | Switzerland | 0.40 | Study |
UK | May 7 | UK | 0.08¹ | Study |
France | May 7 | France | 0.80² | Study |
Global | May 5 | Global | 0.17 | Study |
India | May 3 | India | 0.41 | Study |
Italy USA |
April 20 | Lombardia New York City |
>0.84 >0.50 |
Study |
China | March 30 | Mainland China | 0.66 | Study |
China | March 13 | Wuhan city | 0.12 | Study |
China | March 9 | Mainland China | 0.50 | Study |
1) Based on 29% prevalence and 50,000 deaths; 2) The IFR is 0.50 excluding nursing homes.
French model: IFR (x100) per age group (Study)
4) Additional antibody and PCR studies
These studies typically determine the actual prevalence of recent or current Covid-19 infections in a population. In most cases, they find that Covid-19 is much more widespread than previously assumed, with most people showing no or only mild symptoms.
Country | Published | Population | Prev. | Factor | Source |
USA | May 15 | Boston | 12.5% | 8x | Report |
Czech Rep. | May 15 | South Bohemia | 5% | 10x | Report |
Spain | May 13 | Spain Madrid |
5% 11.3% |
10x | Study |
UK | May 8 | UK | 29% | 200x | Study |
Switzerland | May 6 | Geneva | 9.7% | 10x | Study |
Global | May 5 | < 65 years old | Study | ||
Japan | May 5 | Kobe City | 2.7% | 396x | Study |
USA | May 2 | New York State New York City |
12.3% 19.9% |
8x 10x |
Report |
Spain | May 2 | Health workers | 11.2% | Study | |
Netherlands | April 29 | Blood donors | 2.7% | Study | |
France | April 23 | Northern France | 3% | Study | |
USA | April 19 | Chelsea MA | 32% | 16x | Report |
Iceland | April 14 | Iceland (PCR) | 0.8% | Study |
5) Median age of Covid-19 deaths per country
Half of all deaths were below, half were above the median age.
Country | Median age | Source |
Austria | 80+ years | EMS |
England | 80+ years | NHS |
France | 84 years | SPF |
Germany | 82 years | RKI |
Italy | 81 years | ISS |
Spain | ~82 years | MDS |
Sweden | 86 years | FOHM |
Switzerland | 84 years | BAG |
USA | ~80 years | CDC |
Example: Death rate by age group in Massachusetts (Source)
7) Hospitalization rate
Initial estimates based on Chinese data assumed a very high 20% hospitalization rate, which led to the strategy of ‘flattening the curve’ to avoid overburdening hospitals. However, population-based antibody studies (see above) have since shown that actual hospitalization rates are close to 1%, which is within the range of hospitalization rates for influenza (1 to 2%).
The US CDC found that Covid-19 hospitalization rates for people aged 65 and over are “within ranges of influenza hospitalization rates”, with rates slightly higher for people aged 18 to 64 and “much lower” (compared to influenza) for people under 18.
In local hotspots like New York City, the overall hospitalization rate based on antibody studies is about 2.5% (19.9% or 1.7 million people with antibodies and 43,000 hospitalizations by May 2), which is somewhat above a severe wave of influenza.
The much lower than expected hospitalization rate may explain why most Covid-19 ‘field hospitals’ even in hard-hit countries like the US, the UK and China remained largely empty.
8) Percentage of Covid-19 deaths in care homes per country
In many countries, deaths in care homes account for 30 to 60% of all additional deaths.
Source: Mortality associated with COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes (LTC Covid, May 3, 2020)
9) Development of the epidemic
Even in countries without a lockdown, the epidemic reached its peak within a few weeks of the outbreak. However, many media showed cumulative deaths per day of report (left) instead of daily deaths per day of death (right), falsely implying an ever escalating situation.
Cumulative deaths per day of report vs. daily deaths per day of death. (OWD/FOHM; April 24)
See also
- Additional Covid-19 Antibody Serological Studies (Dr. Henrik Jarlov)
- Global Covid-19 Case Fatality Rates (Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine)
- Rate of positive Covid-19 tests per country over time (SPR)
Pubblicato da Fulvio Grimaldi alle ore 00:08