Generale Russo Venaus




The Palestinian national question soon regulated and relegated.

The most difficult remains to do for Donald Trump the conjurer. Now that in potentate of Western imperialism he has made all concessions to Netanyahu, his general of the American foreign Legion, he must now drag this viper to the table of compromises, where are seated the Palestinian nationalist renegades to whom he made the chalice drink to the dregs, against the promise of a fief on the land promised by God to the descendants of Abraham.

As we are announcing for nearly a year, since the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America, questions-national-Palestinian-and-israeli-soon-chloroformes/

the “solution” to the struggles of – Palestinian and Israeli – “national liberation” advanced one step on Wednesday, December 6 with the announcement of the recognition of Jerusalem as capital of the Israeli state

This diplomatic decision, not really dramatic, only confirms a situation that has persisted since the Six Day War (1967), when the Israeli army invaded the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem with the support of imperialist powers around the world. The UN, the bogus international organization at the service of imperialist machinations, had then quietly covered itself with a fig leaf by Resolution 242and the Organization suggested that the invasion of Jerusalem by US outpost troops in the Middle East may not be legal under international law. Be that as it may, the fig leaf hid nothing of internationalized collusion, and the Israeli troops dubbed by their master and imperialist sponsor remained in the occupied city. The successive Resolutions of the bogus organization had the same effect on the agent of the invading superpower until the swearing-in of Donald Trump, firmly determined to regulate and relegate this “affair” from another era (3).

After having reaffirmed his imperial presidential intention to impose a settlement on the two chauvinist bourgeoisies, Donald Trump, as a good tactician, began by reassuring his ally and underling by announcing a series of measures likely to appease him. The announcement of the acceptance of the occupation of Jerusalem (for fifty years) by the Israeli troops is part of these measures, whose counterpart will be to demand from the Big Israeli capital – intimately intertwined with the Great American capital – that he grants a Bantustan (a rump State) to the Palestinian

Authority (without Authority) which already has the governance of the Gaza prison and some walled towns in the occupied West Bank and which will soon be able to proclaim the Palestinian State for eternity and even more on those ravaged lands. The chauvinistic nationalist go-left is already dreaming.

Do not be surprised for the timidity of the protests of the Arab and Islamist governorates in the world following this decision which, after all, further traumatizes the Western go-left that still refuses to see clearly in this banal case of struggle of so-called patented “national liberation”, one of the last in the West and in the East, with the exception of some remnants at the Western margins, on which we will return later (4). The Palestinian Authority’s bourgeoisie is anxiously awaiting for being assigned its Rump State while Israel sees itself floundering along the Wailing Wall adjoining

the Separation Wall, recently erect. All this is without counting on the new regional power and its aisles. To be continued … (5)

The Palestinian and Israeli proletariat and that of the martyred Middle East.

Whether it is the struggle for so-called Palestinian “national liberation” or the Israeli national question, the proletariat of the Middle East is held hostage between these different parties and is not concerned by this conflict between bourgeoisies, even if it is he who sacrifices himself in this conflict. Once the Israeli and Palestinian national bourgeoisies are reconciled, they will turn against their respective national proletariat in order to hand them over to forced labor, to wage labor, in order to stem the fall in profits. There is never anything good to expect from the bourgeoisie and its struggles that only liberate the race for profits.

  4. Kurdistan, Corsica, Catalonia, Flanders, Donbass, Scotland, Quebec, Lombardy, New Caledonia, etc.
  5. Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanese Hezbollah.

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