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« Le grand retour de Moscou en Afrique … La « Guerre froide 2.0 » est en route en Afrique !»

Le Géopoliticien Luc MICHEL :

analyse le grand retour de Moscou en Afrique, dans le cadre de l’extension mondiale de la « nouvelle Guerre froide 2.0 ». Il explique comment la « Russie retrouve les champs de bataille de la Guerre froide des Années 1960-1989 entre Soviétiques et Américano-occidentaux ». u des USA … La guerre froide – la nouvelle « Guerre froide 2.0″ – est de retour en Afrique ! Le Think-Tank STRATFOR (proche du Pentagone et du Lobby militaro-industriel US) consacrait avant-hier une intéressante analyse au retour de la Russie sur les champs de bataille de la confrontation entre les USA et les soviétiques. Une analyse qui révèle les inquiétudes de Washington sur le grand retour de Moscou en Afrique. En commençant par l’Afrique sub-saharienne … (Extrait d’une longue analyse à paraître ce 19 janvier)





sur http://www.lucmichel.net/2018/01/17/luc-michels-geopolitical-daily-african-geopolitics-how-russia-revisits-an-old-cold-war-battleground-seen-from-the-usa/




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Il Governo francese ha abbandonato il progetto dell’aeroporto di Notre-Dame-des-Landes


Movimento No TAV

 Comunicato Stampa

18 gennaio 2018


Il Governo francese ha abbandonato

il progetto dell’aeroporto di


La lotta e gli argomenti delle cittadine sono stati determinanti

Il Primo Ministro francese Edouard Philippe ha dichiarato: “In stretta relazione con il Presidente della Repubblica, il Governo ha preso la sua decisione: constato oggi che non sono soddisfatte le condizioni per realizzare il progetto dell’aeroporto di Notre-Dame-des-Landes.”

Edouard Philippe ha quindi aggiunto: “Un progetto, che struttura il territorio per un secolo, non può essere fatto in un contesto di esacerbata opposizione della popolazione. Grandi progetti recenti sono stati realizzati nonostante le opposizioni locali perché sostenuti dalla popolazione. Notre-Dame-des-Landes, oggi, è l’aeroporto della divisione.  Il progetto di Notre-Dame-des-Landes sarà quindi abbandonato.”

Gli oppositori in Francia si sono battuti da decine di anni per il trionfo dell’utilizzazione dell’infrastruttura esistente (aeroporto di Nantes) e hanno convinto e vinto.

Il Presidente Emmanuel Macron ha adottato un comportamento realista, e ha dato allo stesso tempo un consiglio al Governo italiano affinché abbandoni i suoi progetti di Grandi Opere Inutili e Imposte ai cittadini e ai territori, dalla Torino-Lione al TAP, senza dimenticare il Tunnel AV di Firenze, il Terzo Valico, il Mose e le Grandi Navi a Venezia, eccetera.

Per quanto riguarda la Torino-Lione (progetto che prevede la duplicazione dell’infrastruttura esistente, quindi gemello di NDDL), la capacità della linea ferroviaria esistente è stata riconosciuta dal Governo italiano e allo stesso tempo dichiarata non utilizzabile.

È questa un’affermazione di superbia e di disprezzo nei confronti delle argomentazioni tecniche ed economiche condivise dalla maggioranza degli esperti ferroviari e dagli economisti indipendenti dai condizionamenti politici e dei costruttori delle Grandi Opere.

Circa il costo totale del tunnel transfrontaliero di 57 km (€8,6 miliardi) ricordiamo che gli accordi tra Italia e Francia prevedono che le quote nazionali siano a poste a carico del Bilancio italiano per il 58%, regalando miliardi di € alla Francia. È un’iniqua ripartizione dei costi che prevede, data la prevalente collocazione del tunnel nel territorio francese (45 km contro i 12 italiani), che ogni chilometro italiano del tunnel costerebbe €245 milioni, mentre ogni chilometro francese solo €48 milioni.

Perché il Governo italiano dimentica da anni questa condizione di subalternità nei confronti della Francia?

Perché sprecare miliardi di € contro la saggezza dell’uso dell’esistente? Perché dimenticare che questa è l’unica soluzione per il rispetto della natura come stabilito dagli accordi internazionali contro il riscaldamento del pianeta sottoscritti dall’Italia?

Qui il Comunicato ufficiale

A tutte le amiche e gli amici e compagn* di lotta

Oggi il Governo ha finalmente annunciato l’abbandono del progetto dell’aeroporto di Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Per noi questo abbandono sarà effettivo dal 9 febbraio, alla scadenza della DUP (dichiarazione di pubblica utilità).

Se questo abbandono sarà confermato, è davvero una vittoria storica contro un progetto distruttivo, resa possibile grazie a un lungo movimento determinato e plurale.

Innanzi tutto, vorremmo dare un caloroso benvenuto a tutti coloro che si sono mobilitati contro questo progetto aeroportuale negli ultimi 50 anni.

Per quanto riguarda il futuro della ZAD, il movimento nel suo complesso sta affermando oggi:

– la necessità che i contadini e gli abitanti che sono espropriati possano riconquistare i pieni diritti il prima possibile,

– il rifiuto di espellere coloro che sono venuti a vivere nei terreni in questi ultimi anni per difenderli e che desiderano continuare a viverci e prendersene cura,

– la volontà da parte del movimento in tutta la sua diversità – agricoltori, naturalisti, i residenti, le associazioni, i vecchi e nuovi residenti- di prendere in carico a lungo termine i terreni della ZAD.

Per attuare ciò, avremo bisogno di un periodo di congelamento della ridistribuzione istituzionale dei terreni.

In futuro, questo territorio deve essere in grado di rimanere un’area di sperimentazione sociale, ambientale e agricola.

Per quanto riguarda la riapertura della strada D281, chiusa dalle autorità pubbliche nel 2013, il movimento si impegna a rispondere da solo. La presenza o l’intervento della polizia peggiorerebbe solo la situazione.

VI INVITIAMO A PARTECIPARE AL RADUNO DEL 10 febbraio 2018 nei terreni per celebrare l’abbandono dell’aeroporto e continuare a costruire il futuro della ZAD.

Desideriamo in questo giorno memorabile inviare un forte messaggio di solidarietà nei confronti della altri grandi lotte contro i progetti distruttivi e la difesa dei territori minacciati.

Movimento contro il progetto dell’aeroporto NDDL
GPII Group of NDDL






Quotidien géopolitique – Geopolitical Daily/

2018 01 18/

LM.GEOPOL - Ankara with tahir al sham in idlib (2018 01 18) ENGL (2)

“The Astana process is on the verge of collapse, as Turkey and Russia are lining up on opposite sides in Idlib, which may prove to be the decisive battle in the Syria war”

– al-Monitor (January 14, 2018).

LM.GEOPOL - Ankara with tahir al sham in idlib (2018 01 18) ENGL (3)

At the heart of the conflict in Syria, this war started in 2011, which ends, and already goes to a second war, the opportunistic and ambiguous position of Erdogan, shared between his neo-Ottoman geopolitical project (which presupposes the American alliance and the defeat of Damascus) and the immediate strategic demands of Kurdish containment (1), have been the subject of much debate among the experts.

Here is an interesting analysis of ‘al-Monitor’ that goes in the direction of my own analyzes, on the Levantine duplicity of the Turkish regime and its opportunistic poker shots. Here are the facts of Ankara’s complicity with the jihadists (so-called “moderates”) of the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) in Idlib. Those precisely who have just tried to attack drones against Russian bases in Syria, with the help of an American radar aircraft of the type “Poseidon” …

* Résumé français :

Au coeur du conflit en Syrie, de cette guerre commencée en 2011, qui se termine, et va déjà vers une seconde guerre, la position opportuniste et ambigüe d’Erdogan, partagé entre son projet géopolitique néo-ottoman (qui suppose l’alliance américaine et la défaite de Damas) et les exigences stratégiques immédiates du “containment” des kurdes, fait l’objet de longs débats parmi les experts.

Voici une intéressante analyse de ‘al-Monitor’ qui va dans le sens de mes propres analyses, sur la duplicité levantine du régime turc et ses coups de poker opportunistes. Voici les faits de la complicité d’Ankara avec les djihadistes (dits “modérés”) du Front al-Nosra (al-Qaida en Syrie) à Idlib. Ceux là précisément qui viennent de tenter l’attaque des drônes contre les bases russes en Syrie, avec l’aide d’un avion-radar américain du type “Poséidon” …



AL-MONITOR (JAN. 14, 2018)

* Excerpt 1/

“Turkey and Russia are lining up on opposite sides in Idlib”:

“The Astana process is on the verge of collapse, as Turkey and Russia are lining up on opposite sides in Idlib, which may prove to be the decisive battle in the Syria war.

Syria’s military operations in Idlib “are making Turkey so tense that it summoned the ambassadors of Iran and Russia and warned them that the Syrian army’s moves violate the accord reached in Astana, Kazakhstan, which provides for de-escalation zones guaranteed by Iran, Russia and Turkey,” writes Fehim Tastekin.

Moscow has intimated that drones that targeted Russian facilities in Khmeimim and Tartus on Jan. 6 originated from areas controlled by Turkish-backed “moderate” opposition groups. Ankara has denied the charge, arguing that the attacks were the result of terrorist forces gaining a foothold in the region as a result of the Syrian offensive.

Turkey is the main backer of the “moderate” Free Syrian Army (FSA). Power in Idlib also rests with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (2), the jihadi group that is linked with al-Qaeda and includes fellow travelers from Ahrar al-Sham (3), which lost out in the power struggle with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Both groups see the future of Syria as based on Islamic law, and their rule in Idlib has been characterized by tyranny and torture, as documented by Amnesty International and reported in this column.

In Ankara’s score, the Syrian offensive in Idlib is a violation of the cease-fire agreement and a threat to fragile peace negotiations. “Turkey’s sharp reaction to the uptick in fighting suggests that the agreement struck in Astana, at least as it relates to Idlib, is unraveling,” writes Amberin Zaman. “The immediate trigger appears to be the series of mysterious drone attacks on Russian military bases in Syria’s Latakia province since the start of the year. Moscow apparently believes Turkey did not stick to its side of the bargain either, amid accusations that Turkish forces chose to coexist rather than curb when they moved into Idlib last October as peace monitors.”

As Syrian forces advance, and come into conflict with the FSA and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Turkey finds itself in an uneasy alignment with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, putting it at odds with both Russia and Iran. “The struggle at Idlib is considered by many to be the last act of the war against a jihadi group that is basically controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham under the leadership of al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat Fatah al-Sham,” writes Tastekin. “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham labels the Astana and Geneva peace processes as treason, so the cease-fire Russia formulated excludes Hayat Tahrir al-Sham as well as the Islamic State (IS). From the outset, Russia said the cease-fire covers only ‘moderate’ opposition groups; operations against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and IS will not cease. Turkey, on the other hand — despite its approval of the Astana process — decided to place Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in a different category. Ankara first tried to reshape that organization as it had earlier with Ahrar al-Sham. When that didn’t work, Turkey tried to split Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. When that didn’t work as well, Ankara accepted the facts of life and decided to cooperate”.”

* Excerpt 2/

The top priority for Turkey is breaking the power of the YPG militia:

“The top priority for Turkey is breaking the power of the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia, which it considers a terrorist organization, linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Turkey. “If the terrorists in Afrin don’t surrender we will tear them down,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Jan. 13.

“According to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham sources,” Tastekin reports, “there were three conditions to allow Turkey’s army to enter the area without encountering any opposition. One was that the target would be Afrin, where the Kurds have declared autonomy. A second would be that there would be no operation against groups controlling Idlib. The third was that local groups affiliated with Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield would not enter the area. … Turkey’s deployment — approved and escorted by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham — was not compatible with Iran’s and Russia’s definition of the de-escalation zone. Turkey was indirectly providing a shield for the organizations already dominating Idlib.”

In addition to divisions among the Astana parties, Turkey’s fractures with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham sparked divisions within the jihadi group itself. “In such a risky atmosphere, Ankara is hoping to hold on to Idlib and the triangle of al-Bab, Jarablus and Azaz that Turkey had secured in Operation Euphrates Shield, to use them as a card against Damascus in a settlement process,” Tastekin concludes. “Such a card would have serious ramifications for the fate of the Syrian president and the future of the Kurds as they seek to build their autonomy in the north. Until he gets the concessions he seeks for these two key issues, Erdogan doesn’t want the Syrian army to approach the Turkish border and face Turkish troops”.”



on http://www.lucmichel.net/2018/01/15/lucmichel-net-luc-michel-en-debat-sur-le-website-les-7-du-quebec-syrie-dune-guerre-a-lautre-lagression-ne-cesse-pas/

(2) Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, “Organization for the Liberation of the Levant” or “Levant Liberation Committee”), commonly referred to as Tahrir al-Sham and abbreviated HTS, also known as “al-Qaeda in Syria”, is an active Salafist jihadist militant group involved in the Syrian War. The group was formed on 28 January 2017 as a merger between Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra Front), the Ansar al-Din Front, Jaysh al-Sunna, Liwa al-Haqq, and the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement. After the announcement, additional groups and individuals joined. The merger is currently led by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham and former Ahrar al-Sham leaders, although the High Command consists of leaders from other groups. Many groups and individuals defected from Ahrar al-Sham, representing their more conservative and Salafist elements. Currently, a number of analysts and media outlets still continue to refer to this group by its previous names, al-Nusra Front, or Jabhat Fateh al-Sham.

Despite the merger, Tahrir al-Sham has been accused to be working as al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch on a covert level. However, Tahrir al-Sham has officially denied being part of al-Qaeda and said in a statement that the group is “fully independent and doesn’t represent any foreign body or organization”. Furthermore, some factions such as Nour al-Din al-Zenki, which was part of the merger, were once supported by the US. Some analysts reported that the goal of forming Tahrir al-Sham was to unite all groups with al-Qaeda’s extreme ideology under one banner, and to obtain as many weapons as possible. They also reported that many of the former Jabhat Fateh al-Sham fighters still answered to al-Qaeda, and held an increasing amount of sway over the new group. It has also been claimed that despite the recent formation of Tahrir al-Sham, the new group secretly maintains a fundamental link to al-Qaeda, and that many of the group’s senior figures, particularly Abu Jaber, held similarly extreme views. Russia claims that “Tahrir al-Sham shares al-Nusra Front’s goal of turning Syria into an Islamic emirate run by al-Qaeda.”

(3) ‘Harakat Ahrar ach-Cham al-Islamiyya’, initialement ‘Kataib Ahrar ach-Cham’ (‘Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant’), commonly referred to as ‘Ahrar al-Sham’, is a coalition of multiple Islamist and Salafist units that coalesced into a single brigade and later a division in order to fight against the Syrian Government led by Bashar al-Assad during the Syrian War. Ahrar al-Sham had 10,000 to 20,000 fighters, which at the time made it the second most powerful unit fighting against al-Assad, after the Free Syrian Army. It was the principal organization operating under the umbrella of the ‘Syrian Islamic Front’ and was a major component of the Islamic Front. With an estimated 20,000 fighters in 2015, Ahrar al-Sham became the largest rebel group in Syria after the Free Syrian Army became less powerful. Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam are the main rebel groups supported by Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The group aims to create an Islamic state under Sharia law, and in the past has cooperated with the al-Nusra Front, an affiliate of al-Qaeda. While both are major rebel groups with similar Salafist ideologies active in the Idlib region, Ahrar al-Sham is not to be confused with Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra Front and associates), its main rival and former ally. ‘Ahrar al-Sham’ use both Syrian opposition flag (the flag of the French coloniaml mandate before 1945) and salafist black flag.

(Sources: al-Monitor – EODE Think-Tank)


Jihadists of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabbat al-Nbusra), the jihadi group that is linked with al-Qaeda.


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Dichiarazioni del Primo Ministro francese su Notre Dame des Landes

Il Primo Ministro francese ha detto:

“In stretta relazione con il Presidente della Repubblica, il governo ha preso la sua decisione: vedo oggi che le condizioni non sono soddisfatte per realizzare il progetto dell’aeroporto di Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Un simile progetto, che struttura il territorio per un secolo, non può essere fatto in un contesto di esacerbata opposizione della popolazione.

Grandi progetti recenti sono stati realizzati nonostante le opposizioni locali perché sostenuti dalla popolazione.

Notre-Dame-des-Landes, oggi, è l’aeroporto della divisione.  Il progetto di Notre-Dame-des-Landes sarà quindi abbandonato. “


« En relation étroite avec le président de la République, le gouvernement a pris sa décision : je constate aujourd’hui que les conditions ne sont pas réunies pour mener à bien le projet d’aéroport de Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Un tel projet qui structure le territoire pour un siècle ne peut se faire dans un contexte d’opposition exacerbée de la population.

Les grands projets récents se sont réalisés malgré les oppositions locales car portés par la population. Notre-Dame-des-Landes, aujourd’hui, c’est l’aéroport de la division. Le projet de Notre-Dame-des-Landes sera donc abandonné. »

17 genn 18 Le Monde

Le gouvernement annonce l’abandon du projet d’aéroport à Notre-Dame-des-Landes

Après plus de cinquante ans de blocage, le premier ministre, Edouard Philippe, a annoncé mercredi la fin du projet d’aéroport à Notre-Dame-des-Landes.



In concomitanza con la campagna elettorale TELT affida i primi contratti per la galleria del Moncenisio del TAV. Poco cambia nel bilancio complessivo dell’opera: le fette più grandi degli appalti continuano a non riguardare aziende del Piemonte. L’affidamento della sicurezza del cantiere ad un gruppo torinese è solo una minima parte dei fondi gestiti da TELT, che finiscono in larga misura ai soliti colossi.

Nulla cambia nemmeno per il territorio che dovrà subire un’opera inutile e devastante per l’ambiente mentre i treni locali, ogni giorno, subiscono ritardi su ritardi con innumerevoli disagi per i pendolari della Valsusa.

In questa situazione c’è davvero poco di cui essere soddisfatti, con una mano il Governo sperpera miliardi di euro per un’opera inutile e con l’altra continua a tagliare i fondi per il già disastrato trasporto pubblico locale come evidenziato proprio oggi dal rapporto “Pendolaria 2017” di Legambiente. Continueremo ad opporci a questo progetto folle in ogni sede, con coerenza, come sempre.

Francesca Frediani, Capogruppo regionale M5S Piemonte


Ufficio Stampa
Gruppo Consiliare Regionale
MoVimento 5 Stelle
347 4575827

Tav, via a due appalti per il tunnel di base in Italia

17 genn 18 Stampa 

Telt ha affidato due incarichi da 800 mila euro per la direzione lavori e sicurezza per 23 nicchie di interscambio. Tra i vincitori anche un raggruppamento torinese

Maurizio Tropeano Torino


Due appalti per 800 mila euro. Ecco il valore dei primi contratti per la realizzazione del tunnel di base della Torino-Lione affidati in Italia da Telt, la società incaricata di realizzare e gestire la tratta internazionale della Tav.

Il primo da 600 mila euro è stato vinto da una società svizzera la Pini Swiss Engineers incaricata della direzione lavori per realizzare 23 nicchie di interscambio alla Maddalena.

Il secondo appalto, da 200 mila euro, è stato invece assegnato al raggruppamento torinese Industrial Engineering Consultants (I.E.C.)/Gae enginnering che dovrà coordinare la sicurezza sul lavoro.  

Le nicchie di interscambio, che saranno scavate con il metodo tradizionale nell’arco di 15 mesi, saranno inserite ogni 400 metri all’interno del cunicolo lungo 7020 metri come piazzole di sosta lungo la galleria geognostica che, durante lo scavo del tunnel di base, sarà utilizzata come accesso di servizio per veicoli e attrezzature del cantiere. Lunghe da 30 a 50 metri, queste aree consentiranno ai mezzi di incrociarsi in sicurezza.  

Secondo Mario Virano, direttore generale di Telt «anche in Italia si entra nella fase operativa del tunnel di base. Sul versante francese, infatti, sono stati scavati 2,1 dei 9 chilometri di galleria geognostica ed è in corso l’assegnazione dei lavori per i pozzi di Avrieux».  

Telt ha anche pubblicato la gara per il mantenimento e la manutenzione del cantiere della Maddalena e il supporto logistico alle forze dell’ordine, che sarà affidata entro metà aprile.

«Il 31 maggio – annuncia Telt – il raggruppamento di imprese che ha curato lo scavo della galleria esplorativa passerà il testimone ai soggetti incaricati delle nuove attività».


Comunicato Opposition Lyon-Turin sur l’abandon du projet Notre Dame des Landes,


Notre Dame des Landes

en correspondance avec Lyon-Turin.

Communiqué du 17 janvier 2018

Le gouvernement vient d’annoncer l’abandon du projet Notre Dame des Landes, INUTILE, COÛTEUX ET DANGEREUX.

Les opposants félicitent les opposants à ce projet destructeur d’espaces agricoles, de biodiversité et d’argent public pour leur combat et leur persévérance à se battre contre des potentats locaux qui ne sont jamais comptables de leurs décisions. Ils se sont battus pour que l’évidence de l’utilisation et de la bonne gestion de l’infrastructure existante triomphe.

De nombreuses correspondances entre les dossiers Notre Dame des Landes et Lyon-Turin :

– Ils ont été portés par des élus locaux bien placés au plus haut sommet de l’État comme l’a observé la Cour des Comptes;

– Les capacités des infrastructures existantes n’ont pas été étudiées sérieusement et ont été discréditées sans démonstration probante. Il aura fallu attendre le rapport de la médiation pour que l’existant apparaisse enfin comme une solution viable et moins coûteuse;

– Ils ont été pensé il y a plus de 30 ans alors que l’informatique balbutiait, que les partisans étaient dans la logique de croissance sans fin sans préoccupation de la préservation de la planète et de l’argent public;

– Les opposants ont été discrédités et les promoteurs n’ont utilisé que des arguments d’autorité, des slogans de communicants, sans jamais démontrer leurs allégations;

– Que ce soit le Préfet qui est passé chez Vinci ou les promoteurs du Lyon-Turin qui sont élus par le lobby des Partenariats Public/Privé, les deux projets sont truffés de conflits d’intérêts;

– Les prévisions se sont toutes révélées fausses et délibérément sur évaluées;

– Les deux projets sont des projets DU et POUR le privé, l’un en concession l’autre en PPP;

– L’emploi est servi comme argument ultime alors que le développement de l’existant et le bon usage de l’argent public, pour l’accessibilité, la sécurité, l’entretien, la meilleure utilisation des infrastructures existantes est créateur d’emplois pérennes et utiles au plus grand nombre;

– Les analyses et propositions des opposants n’ont pas été débattues, ni même prises en compte …

La liste serait longue encore des similitudes, mais nous ne retiendrons qu’une seule évidence, l’existant est dans les deux cas sous-utilisé, capable d’absorber les augmentations de trafics sans porter atteinte aux finances publiques.

Il existe toutefois une différence notable entre les deux dossiers, dans le cas de Notre Dame des Landes, la DGAC a triché et menti pour disqualifier l’existant.

Dans le cas du Lyon-Turin, la haute administration a écrit depuis 1998, il y a 20 ans déjà, que l’existant suffit pour longtemps, que les prévisions sont douteuses et démenties. Pourtant ces rapports ont été passés sous silence dans les enquêtes publiques et le sont encore.

Que faut-il faire pour que cela soit porté à la connaissance du public ?

Nous saluons le bon sens et la raison à Notre Dame des Landes en condamnant l’usage de la force publique comme contrepartie à l’abandon du projet.

Nous attendons que les voies ferrées existantes soient utilisées dans les Alpes car elles sont l’alternative compétitive à la route avec de l’emploi à la clé.

Nous appelons au bon sens et à l’arrêt du projet fou du Lyon-Turin.

Contact Coordination des Opposants au projet “Lyon-Turin” :

Daniel IBANEZ 06 07 74 10 17 / François MAUDUIT 06 31 58 01 71 contact@lyonturin.eu /


Le 17/01/2018 à 14:08, Paolo Prieri a écrit :

A tutti gli amici e compagni-e di lotta

Oggi il Governo ha finalmente annunciato l’abbandono del progetto dell’aeroporto di Notre Dame des Landes.

Per noi questo abbandono sarà effettivo dal 9 febbraio, alla scadenza della DUP (dichiarazione di pubblica utilità).

Se questo abbandono sarà confermato (lo è stato, N.d.T.), è davvero una vittoria storica contro un progetto distruttivo, resa possibile grazie a un lungo movimento determinato e plurale.

Innanzi tutto, vorremmo dare un caloroso benvenuto a tutti coloro che si sono mobilitati contro questo progetto aeroportuale negli ultimi 50 anni.

Per quanto riguarda il futuro della ZAD, il movimento nel suo complesso sta affermando oggi:

– la necessità che i contadini e gli abitanti che sono espropriati possano riconquistare i pieni diritti il prima possibile,

– il rifiuto di espellere coloro che sono venuti a vivere nei terreni in questi ultimi anni per difenderli e che desiderano continuare a viverci e prendersene cura,

– la volontà da parte del movimento in tutta la sua diversità – agricoltori, naturalisti, i residenti, le associazioni, i vecchi e nuovi residenti- di prendere in carico a lungo termine i terreni della ZAD.

Per attuare ciò, avremo bisogno di un periodo di congelamento della ridistribuzione istituzionale dei terreni.

In futuro, questo territorio deve essere in grado di rimanere un’area di sperimentazione sociale, ambientale e agricola.

VI INVITIAMO A PARTECIPARE AL RADUNO DEL 10 febbraio nei terreni per celebrare l’abbandono dell’aeroporto e continuare a costruire il futuro della ZAD.

Desideriamo in questo giorno memorabile inviare un forte messaggio di solidarietà nei confronti della altri grandi lotte contro i progetti distruttivi e la difesa dei territori minacciati.

Movimento contro il progetto dell’aeroporto NDDL
GPII Group of NDDL

Torino- Lione: Il progetto vince la pausa

Renato MAZZONCINI, amministratore delegato delle Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS), afferma che il progetto di linea ad alta velocità Torino- Lione e il tunnel di base da € 26,1 miliardi è tornato in pista dopo l’annuncio, nel luglio 2017, del ministro dei trasporti francese, la signora Elisabeth Borne, che questo era uno dei principali progetti da mettere in pausa dal presidente Emmanuel Macron in attesa di una revisione dei piani infrastrutturali della Francia.

“Durante l’ultimo vertice franco-italiano, tenutosi a Lione qualche settimana fa, il presidente Macron ha confermato che i lavori saranno eseguiti, eliminando tutti i dubbi che si erano verificati nei mesi precedenti a causa di un disimpegno da parte dei francesi”, rivela Mazzoncini. “Per migliorare l’accesso al tunnel di base sul versante italiano, abbiamo condotto un’approfondita revisione del progetto, che è stata approvata dal Ministero dei Trasporti, per tagliare il costo da € 4,9 miliardi a € 1,9 miliardi”.

16 gennaio 2018 FS eyes opportunities at home and abroad

by  David Briginshaw


http://www.railjournal.com/index.php/europe/fs-eyes-opportunities-at-home-and-abroad.html – 


Renato Mazzoncini, chief executive officer of Italian State Railways (FS), talks to David Briginshaw.

ITALIAN State Railways (FS) has set itself the ambitious target of doubling both revenue and Ebitda under its 2017-2026 Industrial Plan. The plan is based on five pillars: integration between different modes of transport, integrated logistics, integrated infrastructure, international expansion, and digitalisation.


“Most of the growth will come from these initiatives and, just one year after the presentation of the plan, I can certainly tell you that we are achieving our goals,” FS CEO Mr Renato Mazzoncini told IRJ in November. “We will complete the integration of the National Autonomous Roads Corporation (Anas) within FS by the end of 2017. Internationally, we are becoming a large European player in integrated mobility, and we set up the Mercitalia Pole in order to turn our traditional railway freight business into a door-to-door operator.


Renato Mazzoncini“In 2018 we will present our ideas to improve customer experience. We are planning something unprecedented for our customers. For the first time, they will be able to arrange a journey with different transport operators from, say, their home in Milan to Palermo, using a single app.”


The plan calls for an investment of €94bn during the 10-year period. “Most of the capital – €58bn – is already available,” Mazzoncini reveals. “€23bn will be self-financed and €35bn has been allocated under the Contract Programme drawn up in agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.”


FS intends to increase the proportion of revenue generated outside Italy from 13% today to 23% by the end of the 10-year plan. Mazzoncini believes this is quite realistic.


“We are already one of the main operators on the European market: first in Italy and in Greece, second in Germany, and we are now in Britain, the Netherlands and France. The goal is to grow from a €1bn turnover to €4bn by 2026. FS plans to enter the US market and has ongoing operations or is actively looking for international expansion opportunities in the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, Africa and South America.”


Part of FS’ desire to become more international entails operating passenger services outside Italy, such as Paris – Brussels, Paris – Bordeaux, Hamburg – Cologne, Milan – Zurich – Frankfurt, and London – Edinburgh. The first of these – from Milan to Frankfurt – started on December 10 and is being operated in cooperation with Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and German Rail (DB).


“We are also participating in tenders for the London – Edinburgh service,” Mazzoncini explains. “First Trenitalia West Coast Rail Limited, the partnership between FirstGroup and Trenitalia UK, was shortlisted by the Department for Transport (DfT) for the West Coast Partnership in June 2017. Trenitalia will bring FS’ industry-leading high-speed rail knowledge to the West Coast Partnership. Together with FirstGroup, we will focus on the customer experience and look forward to developing innovative proposals through which West Coast and HS2 passengers will be able to realise the most benefit from our services.


“West Coast Partnership is not the only project where we are partnering at the moment with FirstGroup, we are also bidding together for the East Midlands franchise where we have also been shortlisted by the DfT.”


The first foray by FS into the British franchising market was through the purchase of the c2c franchise from National Express one year ago. Some might regard Britain as a tough market due to the high cost of competing for franchises, the very small profit margins, and uncertainty over Brexit, but not so Mazzoncini: “The British market is considered a key market for expansion, due to its access and competitiveness. We believe that Britain’s rail market provides an excellent opportunity for us to leverage our experience and innovative approach.


“This acquisition is only the first step in our wider strategy to enter the British market. Our objective is to become a significant player in this market, exploiting the experience and skills that have been honed in the highly-competitive Italian rail market. We intend to bring to Britain the quality of service, customer experience, innovations and processes that we are renowned for in Italy. In addition, FS brings its experience and capabilities of infrastructure management and high-speed operation.


“c2c was a unique opportunity to enter immediately, after having been awarded the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) passport in 2015, to have a first test of the internal market. Before the acquisition, we were in talks with several British and EU operators to join forces for future bids and with FirstGroup we have found a proper partner to carry on all the long bidding processes.”




FS also entered the Greek market in 2017 following the acquisition in September of Trainose, the country’s national passenger and freight operator, for €45m. In view of the fact that FS was the only bidder to submit a binding offer, some might question whether this is a sound investment.


“Trainose is mainly a passenger operator with some freight, and I am very happy because the strategy is good,” Mazzoncini says. “Trainose is in a financially stable position and will achieve positive results.” Mazzoncini expects Trainose to record a €130m turnover in 2017, of which €50m is from the state to cover loss-making Public Service Obligation (PSO) services, with a net result of €2-3m.


The €3bn EU-funded project to upgrade the 502km Athens – Thessaloniki main line for 200km/h operation and equip it with ERTMS will be completed this month. “We aim to create a ‘Rome-Milan-like’ service and we are confident that there will be a positive response from the market,” Mazzoncini predicts.


“Trainose needs to invest €500m in rolling stock,” Mazzoncini continues, referring to the Athens – Thessaloniki line. “We have to discuss the conditions for this investment with the government. Currently this line receives a 5% PSO, with fixed ticket prices. We want to be free to operate the line commercially.


“The rest of the Greek network is not bad, but consists of single-track lines with low traffic density. There is probably a lot of potential for freight traffic from the ports to northern Europe.”


Back in Italy, FS spun-off its Cargo Division as Mercitalia on January 1 2017. Mazzoncini says this was done to create a single organisation which can control a larger portion of the freight value chain. “Extended control of the value chain and establishing a single point of contact are critical for success in this market,” he says.


Another example of FS’s strategy to diversify and enter markets is its decision last year to take a stake in the concession operating metro Line 5 in Milan. In June 2017, FS acquired Astaldi’s 36.7% stake in the M5 concession for €64.5m, making FS the lead shareholder in the consortium and heralding the national railway’s entry into the metro market.


“Being a relevant player in the Italian urban underground market is one of our strategic objectives,” Mazzoncini explains. “This demonstrates our growing awareness of the importance of cities for our country, a source of competitive advantage, and the relevance of sustainable mobility in urban areas.”




Proposals to privatise all or part of FS have been mooted for some time. In 2015, the Italian government signed a decree to launch an IPO for the FS holding company as an integrated group. “When I was appointed CEO of FS in December 2015, I was against an IPO of the whole company,” Mazzoncini says. “In my opinion it is essential that RFI [Italian Rail Network – the infrastructure manager] remains public, and the government now agrees with this.


“We have two different passenger businesses: high-speed which operates without subsidy and regional transport which receives 70% support from public authorities. With high-speed, we compete on the market, but with regional transport we compete for the market. Clearly the risk is much higher in the high-speed market, while 70% compensation makes the regional market low risk.


“The regional operation is not of interest to investors, and we have to spend €5bn on trains which completely absorbs the cash flow,” Mazzoncini says. “For high-speed, we have completed the investment in new trains, and it is a cash cow with Ebitda of €700m each year. I think it is possible to put the high-speed/long-distance business on the market by selling about 30% of it, but with some provisos. No private groups can invest in it – only private shareholders each with no more than a 3% stake, so that we remain in control of the company.


“For this option, we would need a new decree from the government. But it is not possible to have a decree at the moment as there will be an election in March or April, so there is no appetite for a national debate at the moment.


“The decision on whether to launch an IPO of the long-distance business is up to the Italian government. Most likely, given the circumstances, the next government will make the decision. However, as I have always said, it makes a lot of sense to launch an IPO of that particular business segment.”


Lyon – Turin project wins a reprieve


MAZZONCINI says the €26.1bn Lyon – Turin high-speed line and base tunnel project is back on track following an announcement in July 2017 by France’s minister of transport, Mrs Elisabeth Borne, that this was one of the major projects to be paused by president Emmanuel Macron pending a review of France’s infrastructure plans.


“During the last Franco-Italian summit, held in Lyon some weeks ago, president Macron confirmed that the works will be carried out, removing all the doubts that had mounted in the previous months over a disengagement by the French,” Mazzoncini reveals. “To improve the access to the base tunnel on the Italian side, we have conducted a thorough project review, which has been approved by the Ministry of Transport, to cut the cost from €4.9bn to €1.9bn.”





Quotidien géopolitique – Geopolitical Daily/

2018 01 17/


Seen from the USA … The Cold War – the new “Cold War 2.0” – is back in Africa! The Think-Tank STRATFOR (close to the Pentagon and the US Military-Industrial Lobby) devoted yesterday an interesting analysis to the return of Russia to the battlefields of the confrontation between USA and the Soviets. An analysis that reveals Washington’s concerns about the great return of Moscow to Africa. Starting with sub-Saharan Africa …


* Résumé en français :

Vu des USA … La guerre froide – la nouvelle “Guerre froide 2.0” – est de retour en Afrique ! Le Think-Tank STRATFOR (proche du Pentagone et du Lobby militaro-industriel US) consacrait hier une intéressante analyse au retour de la Russie sur les champs de bataille de la confrontation entre les USA et les soviétiques. Une analyse qui révèle les inquiétudes de Washington sur le grand retour de Moscou en Afrique. En commençant par l’Afrique sub-saharienne …

“Decades after competing for influence on the continent with the United States and its allies, Russia is taking a renewed interest in Africa. Moscow looms large in sub-Saharan Africa’s Cold War history, said Statfor. Across the continent, the Soviet Union competed with the United States and its Western allies for influence in a series of long-running proxy battles. Russia’s interest in sub-Saharan Africa waned, however, after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. The region may have lost much of its geopolitical significance in the intervening time, but as the Kremlin asserts its influence in more and more conflicts abroad, sub-Saharan Africa presents Russia another opportunity to extend its global reach — should it so desire.”



Excerpt 1:

 “The Wagner Group, a private military company with ties to the Kremlin (1), may secure military contracts in Sudan and the Central African Republic (2). Military engagement with Russia will enable Sudan to maintain a greater balance in its foreign policy. Entering the Central African Republic will allow the Kremlin to earn more cash and drum up more business across the continent.

Moscow looms large in sub-Saharan Africa’s Cold War history. Across the continent, the Soviet Union competed with the United States and its Western allies for influence in a series of long-running proxy battles. Russia’s interest in sub-Saharan Africa waned, however, after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. The region may have lost much of its geopolitical significance in the intervening time, but as the Kremlin asserts its influence in more and more conflicts abroad, sub-Saharan Africa presents Russia another opportunity to extend its global reach — should it so desire.

Excerpt 2/

“A Return to the Red Sea”:

“On Jan. 5, reports emerged that the Wagner Group, a private military company with close connections to the Kremlin that has been active in Syria, had sent an unknown number of employees to Sudan. The group’s deployment is unsurprising considering the decades of close ties between Khartoum and Moscow and in light of a visit by Sudanese President Omar al Bashir to the Kremlin in November. During the trip, al Bashir invited his hosts to construct a military base on the Red Sea, noting that Russian assistance was necessary to counteract U.S. interference in the area. Sudan’s request followed similar moves by nearby Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia to persuade foreign powers to construct bases on their soil in exchange for much-needed money and a boost to their global stature.

Al Bashir’s plea — which has yet to receive Russian approval — seemed to represent a reversal in Sudanese foreign policy after his country’s efforts in recent years to rebuild its relations with the United States. Khartoum’s overtures, including cooperation over intelligence sharing, bore fruit in October 2017 when U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration agreed to formally lift some sanctions against Sudan, following his predecessor’s decision to suspend the measures by executive order on his way out of office. In addition, the African country has increasingly tried to distance itself from Iran, one of Russia’s most prominent regional allies, in favor of cozying up to Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Gulf Cooperation Council — a lucrative reorientation for Sudan. But Khartoum is wary of putting all its eggs in one foreign policy basket.

Russian and Sudanese leaders share a hostility toward real or imagined interference in their domestic affairs. They also harbor a mutual disdain toward institutions like the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for al Bashir in 2009 for crimes against humanity. Furthermore, Sudan serves as an important cog in Moscow’s strategy to contain growing extremism in countries such as Egypt, Libya and, to a lesser extent, Syria, while offering a market for foodstuffs and military hardware. A country of approximately 40 million people, Sudan has a voracious appetite for Russian grain — the Kremlin has promised to sell 1 million metric tons of grain to the country this year. It is no less eager for energy assistance, arms and ammunition. In November 2017, Sudan became the first Arab country to receive the fourth generation of Russia’s SU-24 fighter jets as part of a deal for equipment upgrades and training worth an estimated $1 billion. That agreement could be a harbinger of more deals to come: Khartoum has struggled to manage its various internal conflicts for many years and may welcome the battle-tested expertise of more Russian military trainers.” (3)

Excerpt 3/

“Keeping Up With an Ambitious Foreign Policy”:

“Moscow’s activities in Africa don’t stop there, either. Other reports suggest that the Wagner Group may soon turn its attention to the Central African Republic. News that the company will deploy a contingent to the Central African Republic fits with Moscow’s increasingly ambitious foreign policy. Russia has long used its arms industry and military prowess as a tool to enhance its influence around the world. Last month, it successfully lobbied the U.N. Security Council to let it send three shipments of light arms and ammunition to the Central African Republic’s military despite an arms embargo that has been in place since 2013. Of little geostrategic importance, the African country relies on its former colonial ruler, France, for external support. With little competition on the ground, Russia stands to gain greater business opportunities and perhaps even increase its influence in the surrounding region by making inroads there.

These prospective forays into Sudan and the Central African Republic don’t presage a full-scale Russian military deployment to Africa. Moscow seems more interested in filling its coffers through the Wagner deals than in preparing for a massive investment drive on the continent. Even so, the potential presence of a Kremlin-backed private military company in two countries in sub-Saharan Africa could pave the way for more robust Russian involvement elsewhere in the region.”


(1) The ‘Wagner Group’ (ChVK Wagner) is a Russian paramilitary organisation, named for their founder and commander, “former” Spetsnaz officer Yevgeny Wagner. Some have described it as a private military company (or a private military contracting agency), whose contractors have reportedly taken part in various conflicts, including operations in the Syrian Civil War on the side of the Syrian government as well as, from 2014 until 2015, in the War in Donbass in Ukraine aiding the separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Others are of the opinion that ‘ChVK Wagner’ is really a unit of the Russian Ministry of Defence in disguise, which is used by the Russian government in conflicts where deniability is called for. Other source said that “Private Russian military Wagner group was created 2013 by Surkov (Putin adviser) to help Assad.”

(2) The ‘Wagner Group’ in Africa:

In an interview with the Russian news site ‘The Insider’ in early December 2017, veteran Russian officer Igor Strelkov said that, “besides returning to Luhansk, Wagner PMCs were also present in South Sudan and possibly Libya.” Several days before the interview was published, Strelkov stated “Wagner PMCs were being prepared to be sent from Syria to Sudan or South Sudan” after Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, told Russia’s president Putin that his country needed protection “from aggressive actions of the USA”. Two internal-conflicts had been raging in Sudan for years (in the region of Darfur and the states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile), while a civil war had been taking place in South Sudan since 2013. The head of the private Russian firm ‘RSB-group’ said that he heard “PMCs had already went to Sudan and returned with a severe form of malaria.” Several dozen PMCs from RSB-group “were sent to Libya in early 2017, to an industrial facility near the city of Benghazi, in an area held by forces loyal to Field marshal Khalifa Haftar, to help in demining operations. They left in February after completing their mission.” The RSB-group was in Libya “at the request of the Libyan cement company (LCC).” In mid-December, a video surfaced allegedly showing Wagner PMCs training members of the Sudanese military, thus seemingly confirming Wagner’s presence in Sudan and not South Sudan. In mid-January 2018, it was reported that “Wagner may deploy a contingent of its PMCs to the Central African Republic.”


On http://www.lucmichel.net/2017/12/21/luc-michels-geopolitical-daily-grand-jeu-au-proche-orient-poutine-nouveau-tsar-de-lorient-iv-moscou-detache-le-soudan-de-la-coalition-saoudienne/


Photo :

Units of the ‘Wagner Group’.




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Quotidien géopolitique – Geopolitical Daily/

2018 01 16/

LM.GEOPOL - Voici déjà la seconde guerre de syrie V israel grd perdant (2018 01 16) FR 2

Un mot tout d’abord à mes lecteurs :

Plusieurs d’entre vous me demandent pourquoi je consacre tant de place à la guerre de Syrie. La Syrie – qui passe en ce moment d’une guerre civile internationalisée à une seconde guerre entre les blocs géopolitiques – est l’épicentre de la « nouvelle Guerre froide 2.0 », celles où le Bloc américano-occidental est directement face au Bloc de Shanghai (Moscou, Pékin, Téhéran). Ce qui se passe en Syrie a et aura des conséquences géopolitiques directes, régionales et mondiales. Il y a notamment une diagonale stratégique Sébastopol-Tartous, vitale pour la Russie … depuis Catherine la Grande (l’Est ukrainien étant le deuxième point chaud de la Guerre froide 2.0, où les USA préparent en ce moment une nouvelle confrontation avec les russes). Il y a une seconde diagonale stratégique, celle qui va de l’iran au Liban (« l’Axe de la résistance ») et a des projections vers le Golfe, la Mer rouge et le Yémen. La Syrie est donc le dossier (ou le front) central de la géopolitique actuelle …


Le journal panarabe ‘Rai al-Youm’, cité par l’agence de presse ‘Mizan’, rapporte ce 11 janvier que « les frappes aériennes de l’aviation israélienne en Syrie ciblaient les convois d’armes destinés au Hezbollah, mouvement qui suscite la peur et la hantise cauchemardesque du régime de Tel-Aviv ».

Les autorités militaires israéliennes redoutent une montée en puissance de l’armée syrienne et du Hezbollah, d’où les frappes aériennes dévastatrices contre la ville de Quneitra, sur le Golan syrien, dans la banlieue profonde de Damas. Le cabinet de Benyamin Netanyahu n’a pas reconnu officiellement la responsabilité de ces raids. Par contre, il a publié un communiqué affirmant « sa détermination à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour empêcher tout transfert d’armes au Hezbollah via le territoire syrien ».

Le cauchemar d’Israël ce sont en effet les armes sophistiquées du Hezbollah ! La vraie obsession des Israéliens est que le Hezbollah accède à des armes avancées et prenne le dessus. L’arsenal du mouvement est musclé : « outre des missiles balistiques, il comporte des navires de guerre furtifs, indétectables par les radars, et des sous-marins capables de cibler les ressources gazières du régime israélien, tous construits dans les bases du Hezbollah au Liban ».


Le Premier ministre israélien profère des menaces et n’a recours qu’aux frappes aériennes, lesquelles n’ont pas pu faire avancer ses ambitions. Il a dernièrement menacé de « contrecarrer le déploiement des forces de l’armée syrienne et des unités du Hezbollah sur les frontières de l’Est, au sud de la Syrie ». Néanmoins, l’armée syrienne domine fortement la Ghouta occidentale (banlieue de Damas) et a atteint Quneitra et les frontières du Golan occupé.


Le triangle composé de la Syrie, de l’Iran et du Liban représente encore la principale menace pour Israel. Surtout que la guerre en Syrie touche à sa fin et que l’Axe de la Résistance, soutenu par Moscou et Pékin, accumule les victoires aussi bien en Syrie qu’en Irak (1).


Les frappes israéliennes en Syrie sous prétexte « d’anéantir les convois d’armes destinés au Hezbollah », et ce, dans une conjoncture où les pays arabes du golfe Persique font des pieds et des mains pour normaliser leurs relations avec Tel-Aviv, montrent bien que la « boussole » syrienne n’a pas changé de direction et pointe toujours vers son véritable ennemi.


Le secrétaire général du Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah a, lors d’une interview accordée le mercredi 10 janvier à la chaîne libanaise ‘Al-Mayadeen’, révélé que « l’Axe de la Résistance se prépare pour une guerre majeure contre Israël » et que « Trump a placé la région face à l’alternative suivante : soit accepter les diktats américains, soit subir une guerre ». « Notre projet n’est pas celui de la guerre mais de la résistance. Trump et Netanyahu pourraient entraîner la région dans une guerre. Les forces de la résistance doivent se préparer à une éventuelle guerre », a-t-il dit.


Le gouvernement de Damas et le Hezbollah savent que ceux qui sabotent le processus de paix via la décision de l’Administration Trump sur la modification du statut de Jérusalem cherchent en effet la guerre. « Mais cette guerre, tout comme les complots fomentés au cours de ces sept dernières années, échouera et le grand perdant en sera le régime d’Israël. La donne a changé et la force aérienne n’est plus un atout comme par le passé », conclut ‘Rai al-Youm’.  


Le contexte international qui influe sur Israël s’est profondément modifié au cours de cette dernière année de la Guerre syrienne, dans deux directions essentielles. Tout d’abord, Moscou est sortie de sa neutralité bienveillante de jadis envers Tel-Aviv (2). Deuxièmement, dans le cadre du nouvel Axe Washington – Riyad – Tel-Aviv mis en place par Trump et le Likoud (3), Israël s’est rapproché publiquement des monarchies du Golfe, levant le grand tabou occulté du Proche-Orient : l’alliance stratégique entre Israël et les régimes conservateurs arabes.


Signe des nouvelles relations entre Moscou et Tel-Aviv, qui se sont rapidement dégradées depuis quelques mois. Moscou vient de déclarer que « la colonisation enraye les négociations israélo-palestiniennes » … Au moment où « un feu vert a été donné à plus de 1 100 nouveaux logements de colons en Cisjordanie, territoire palestinien occupé par l’armée israélienne ».

Moscou réagit donc sèchement à la poursuite de la colonisation des territoires palestiniens en Cisjordanie par Israël. Le Ministère russe des Affaires étrangères estime que « la colonisation israélienne ne contribue pas à la reprise des négociations directes entre les parties concernées ». « Moscou réaffirme sa position de principe sur l’illégalité des activités de colonisation israéliennes dans les territoires palestiniens, y compris à Qods-Est. Nous estimons que cette politique ne contribue pas à créer les conditions propices au lancement de négociations directes entre Israéliens et Palestiniens », lit-on sur le site du ministère. La poursuite de la colonisation par le régime israélien sape les perspectives de la « solution à deux États » au Proche-Orient et minimise la possibilité de parvenir à une paix « juste et durable » dans la région.

Rappelons que le 10 janvier, « Tel-Aviv a donné son feu vert à plus de 1 100 nouveaux logements de colons en Cisjordanie », a indiqué jeudi l’organisation anti-colonisation ‘la Paix maintenant’. « Les 1.122 unités d’habitation approuvées mercredi sont à différents stades dans la procédure : 352 ont reçu un feu vert final, ce qui signifie peu ou prou que les travaux peuvent commencer, alors que 770 autres ont été validées pour la première fois », rapporte aussi l’AFP.

La colonisation, autrement dit la construction d’habitations civiles dans les territoires palestiniens occupés ou annexés par Israël depuis 1967, est illégale au regard du Droit international.



Derrière les projets économiques avec les régimes du Golfe, les israéliens visent avant tout des objectifs stratégiques …

Le 13 décembre, le ministre israélien du Renseignement et des Transports, Yisrael Katz, a annoncé « l’intention d’Israël de relancer le projet ferroviaire du Hejaz reliant le port israélien de Haïfa aux États du Golfe ». « Ce projet inquiète au plus haut point l’Egypte, car il pourrait se révéler être un concurrent au canal de Suez, avec à terme une baisse des revenus économiques de l’Egypte », commente la presse israélienne.

Un rappel historique :

Le chemin de fer du Hejaz a été construit en 1908 pour relier Damas à Médine en traversant la région de Hejaz en Arabie Saoudite. Il était censé s’étendre jusqu’à la Mecque, pour faciliter le pèlerinage dans la ville sainte. Une branche avait été ajoutée à ce chemin de fer qui allait jusqu’à Haïfa pour rejoindre la mer Méditerranée. On était là au cœur du « Grand Jeu » oriental (le premier du XIXe siècle), où le IIe Reich du kaiser Guillaume II faisait irruption dans la rivalité géopolitique entre Moscou et Londres. Mais quand la Première Guerre mondiale a éclaté, le chemin de fer et ses lignes annexes ont été partiellement détruites et les autres fermées.

Dans son interview avec ‘Elaph’ le 13 décembre 2017, le ministre Katz a expliqué quel était ce projet de « construction d’un chemin de fer qui serait parallèle à la côte de la mer Rouge et au canal de Suez ». « Nous allons prolonger la voie qui relie Haifa et Beit Shean au pont King Hussein; les Jordaniens l’étendront aussi de leur côté pour se relier aux chemins de fer saoudiens », a-t-il dit. Katz a souligné que « les études du projet sont achevées et que son concept et ses plans sont prêts. La construction devrait commencer dans un an ou deux après approbation par la Jordanie et les États du Golfe ». Il a confirmé que « ces pays avaient déjà la proposition du projet en main », mais n’a pas expliqué comment il leur avait été présenté.

« Il convient de noter que si le traité de paix israélo-jordanien régit les relations diplomatiques entre Israël et la Jordanie, l’Arabie saoudite n’a pas de relations diplomatiques avec Israël », rappelle la presse israélienne.

Dans l’interview, Katz a indiqué que « 25% des exportations de la Turquie vers le Golfe passent par le port de Haïfa et passent par la Jordanie ». Il a expliqué que « cette ligne de chemin de fer contribuera à réduire les frais de transport de l’Europe vers les pays du Golfe ».

Dans son émission télévisée du 18 décembre “Al-Tabaa al-Oula” sur ‘Dream TV’, l’ancien conseiller présidentiel aux médias Ahmed al-Meslemani a prévenu: « Ce chemin de fer sera une alternative au canal de Suez. Il affectera les revenus futurs du Canal d’autant plus qu’il sera plus sûr que le canal pour le cas où le conflit avec Yémen s’intensifierait et si les Houthis et la marine iranienne prenaient le contrôle du détroit de Bab al-Mandab ».

S’exprimant lors de la conférence « Calcalist 2018 sur les prévisions économiques », et qui a réuni de grands investisseurs et des hommes d’affaires le 25 décembre à Tel Aviv, Katz a décrit le chemin de fer du Hejaz comme « un projet historique ». « Je le pousse en avant. J’ai rencontré plusieurs fois des représentants et des organismes américains pour discuter de ce projet. Nous n’avons besoin que de 200 kilomètres pour relier les premiers rails de l’Arabie Saoudite à Israël via la Jordanie », a-t-il dit, ajoutant que « ce projet marquerait l’arrivée et le transit de la force économique de Riyad en Israël » !


« Bien que l’impact direct du chemin de fer sur les revenus du canal de Suez puisse être discutable, ce projet de liaison terrestre entre Israël et l’Arabie Saoudite soulève des questions sur les conséquences de la normalisation entre le royaume saoudien et Israël sur l’économie égyptienne », commente la presse israélienne.

Un autre projet inquiète aussi l’Egypte. De nombreux experts et observateurs, dont l’ancien Premier ministre égyptien et candidat possible aux élections de 2018 Ahmed Shafiq et l’éminent journaliste égyptien Abdullah al-Sanawi, ont mis en garde « contre un accord potentiel entre Israël et l’Arabie Saoudite pour établir une alternative israélo-saoudienne au Canal de Suez, avec un canal alternatif reliant le port d’Eilat en Israël aux côtes israéliennes sur la mer Méditerranée ». Les navires empruntant ce canal passeraient par le détroit de Tiran, que l’Egypte a remis à l’Arabie Saoudite en vertu de l’accord de démarcation de la frontière maritime connu sous le nom d’ « Accord de Tiran et Sanafir ».

Kamal Amer, le président du Comité de la défense nationale et de la sécurité du Parlement égyptien, a déclaré à ‘al-Monitor’ : « En vertu de l’accord de Camp David, le détroit de Tiran est un cours d’eau international ouvert à toutes les nations. L’Egypte ne peut pas empêcher la navigation dans ce détroit pour le cas où Israël déciderait de creuser un canal reliant Eilat à la mer Méditerranée pour concurrencer le canal de Suez ». Il a poursuivi: « A ce jour Israël n’a pas encore été capable de mettre en œuvre un tel projet de canal, car son sol à cet endroit est très dur et il ne serait pas facile de creuser un couloir de navigation comme le canal de Suez. Mais s’il était construit l’Egypte ne pourrait pas entraver la navigation des navires qui souhaiteraient transiter par le canal israélien ».

« Pour l’heure, aucune alternative au canal de Suez ne devrait affecter les revenus du canal de sitôt ». Pourtant, la normalisation entre Israël et les pays du Golfe, en particulier l’Arabie saoudite, pourrait à un moment donné ou à un autre, « briser le monopole de Suez sur le commerce entre l’Est et l’Ouest ».




sur https://vimeo.com/250885505 Et :



sur http://www.lucmichel.net/2018/01/12/luc-michels-geopolitical-daily-syrie-dune-guerre-a-lautre-ii-la-bataille-pour-idlib-ou-le-passage-dun-conflit-a-lautre/


sur http://www.lucmichel.net/2017/12/20/luc-michels-geopolitical-daily-grand-jeu-au-proche-orient-poutine-nouveau-tsar-de-lorient-iii-la-fin-de-la-neutralite-bienveillante-avec-israel/


sur http://www.lucmichel.net/2017/11/17/luc-michels-geopolitical-daily-axe-washington-riyad-tel-aviv-la-vieille-alliance-honteuse-entre-saouds-et-israeliens-ne-se-dissimule-plus/

Et :


sur http://www.lucmichel.net/2017/11/27/luc-michels-geopolitical-daily-laxe-washington-riyad-les-revirements-de-trump-sur-la-politique-moyen-orientale-des-usa-et-la-vision-strategique-des-cinq-mers/

Photo :

La capacité militaire du Hezbollah aurait septuplé depuis la deuxième guerre du régime israélien contre le Liban en 2006.

(Source : Rai al-Youm’ – Fars – al Monitor – EODE Think-Tank)


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