
Dimissioni immediate del governo regionale. “La classe politica ha disatteso gli impegni con gli elettori. Non ultimo gli scandali alla regione, con spese ingiustificate, che hanno screditato il parlamento regionale. Una presa d’atto di una situazione, oramai, senza vie d’uscita. Il movimento dei forconi, con l’ala oltranzista che fa capo a Martino Morsello, lancia la disobbedienza civile”. Così Mario Coco, forcone ibleo, che aggiunge: “E’ una crociata pacifica contro la “casta” rea di aver creato un sistema di potere che ha ignorato le richieste d’aiuto del mondo produttivo. Le imprese chiudono – spiega il leader ragusano del movimento, Mario Coco – Le famiglie sono in grosse difficoltà e i politici di turno sperperano il denaro pubblico in spese folli. Se a questo aggiungiamo la totale inefficienza di politiche attive del lavoro, di sgravi fiscali sulle aziende che producono, siamo di fronte ad uno scenario drammatico”. Il movimento dei forconi parla dello abbattimento delle accise sui carburanti che incidono, e di molto, sulle aziende. “Un euro al litro sono le tasse sui carburanti – aggiunge Coco -una enormità che non è giustificata in alcun modo dalla situazione economica in confronto con i prezzi sui carburanti nei paesi dell’unione europea”. Tra le richieste che il movimento avanza alla classe politica siciliana, l’approvazione del progetto di legge di iniziativa popolare per l’istituzione della moneta siciliana, il “Grano”, e il blocco di tutte le procedure esecutive per impedire la messa all’asta dei beni sequestrati per fallimento. “La classe politica non è più rappresentativa – tuona il leader ragusano dei Forconi Mario Coco – hanno fallito nel loro obiettivo e le dimissioni immediate sono l’unica vera alternativa. Tanti imprenditori si sono tolti la vita per la crisi e la vendita all’asta dei loro beni”. Martino Morsello, leader dell’ala oltranzista del movimento, va avanti: “A causa della crisi che stritola la Sicilia, noi agricoltori e artigiani chiediamo ai politici di applicare la legge 25 art.32 del 2011 per il blocco delle procedure esecutive, che il governo regionale non ha mai messo in campo, e il disegno di legge sulla moneta siciliana”. ( Fonte )


Principaux sujets de la semaine:

Al-Qaida / Crise politique de l’UE / La sécurité à Sotchi /

PCN- TV avec RT – PCN- SPO / 2014 01 18 /


La chaîne de télévision russe  ‘RT’ – l’ancienne « Russia Today » – pour une information alternative au double langage, au deux poids deux mesures , aux mensonges et à la propagande des médias de l’ OTAN …

PCN-TV - RT news hebdo 2014 002 (2014 01 18)  FR

Vidéo sur :

Principaux sujets de la semaine

(RT News Hebdo – 12 Janvier 2014) /

AL-QAÏDA fait ouvertement flotter au vent ses drapeaux noirs sur deux villes irakiennes, avec des milliers de réfugiés fuyant le bain de sang imminent, alors que l’armée soutenue par les USA se prépare à une contre-attaque sur les forces insurgées. Alors qu’en Syrie, les rebelles d’Al-Qaeda et d’autres groupes d’opposition se livrent à des luttes intestines sanglantes – les divisions croissantes entre ceux qui visent à renverser Assad menacent les prochains pourparlers de paix. Les rebelles syriens s’attaquent les uns les autres dans une guerre de territoire impitoyable, avec plus de 500 combattants islamistes tués dans des affrontements depuis seulement une semaine provocant un changement d’attitude chez certains de leurs bailleurs de fonds étrangers.

CRISE DE L’UE / Le soutien des dirigeants de l’Union européenne plonge à son plus bas, avec une confiance ébranlée dans les politiciens qui affecte la façon dont les gens voient la monnaie commune, alors qu’ils cherchent un remplacement. La confiance dans les dirigeants de l’UE n’a jamais été aussi basse, selon un nouveau sondage – au moins dans les zones durement touchées de l’Europe, où les gouvernements cherchent des solutions à une crise économique ancrée.

SOTCHI / avec la sécurité étant une préoccupation majeure lors des prochains Jeux Olympiques d’hiver à Sotchi – nous regardons comment la ville hôte s’assure que les athlètes et les spectateurs sont protégés. Un mois avant que les Jeux olympiques d’hiver commencent, la ville hôte met une priorité sur la sécurité pour s’assurer que les Jeux demeurent sûrs et tranquilles.




Libya 2003-2011 , from the Cold War to the imperialist aggression : the lost illusions of peaceful coexistence and the destruction of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Luc MICHEL (* ) for CEREDD /

European Centre for Research and Study on Direct Democracy –

Centre Européen de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Démocratie Directe /

With PCN- SPO – ELAC Website /

2014 01 21 /



LM - CEREDD geopolitique de la destruction de la libye (2014 01 21) ENGL 1

In 2003, in LIBYA NEWS & FACTS ( Bulletin of CEREDD ) and ALZZAHF ALAKHDER (” The Green March ” , the daily newspaper in Tripoli of the Libyan RCM ) – I published under the title ” LIBYA BETWEEN WAR THREATS AND IMPERIALIST BLACKMAIL ” (1) a lengthy discussion on the geopolitical choices of the Libyan Jamahiriya and the geopolitical context in which they were developed in the years 1998-2003 .

If there was missing , of course, the conclusion and the destruction of the Jamahiriya in 2011 (2) , I explained from 2003 why “peaceful coexistence ” between Gaddafi and the West could only be a game of dupes for the Libyan Guide (3) (4). Tripoli was indeed on the path of American imperialism in Africa and the Mediterranean, but also in Europe . I also drew a picture , unpublished elsewhere , of the Euro-African geopolitical vision of Gaddafi. There too the project of the Libyan leader could only meet the hostility of the U.S. and its military arm of NATO. Not to mention the appetites of France .

Therefore, the confrontation between Gaddafi’s Libya and the West was inevitable.


LM - CEREDD geopolitique de la destruction de la libye (2014 01 21) ENGL 3

These geopolitical theses of Libya of the Years 2000-2011 , I knew them well , since I had introduced them in Libya in the mid 90s. The “Congress of Polish geopoliticians ” in 2010 also long focused its attention about it, hidden in Western Europe, but analyzed in the East ( 5).

“If sometimes Gaddafi is known as the wise man of Africa , guiding in the line of Nkrumah the Continent to its pan- African destiny , that other facet of the personality of the leader of the Libyan Revolution is not too often known: Gaddafi the European , one of the strongest support of European unification and its currency with the Euro”. I wrote in 2003. For Gaddafi knew that imperialism has no more dangerous potential enemy than Europe . And therefore had not ceased to promote the return to this ancient unity and make his Libya a bridge between Africa and Europe. African unity , which Gaddafi’s Libya was the ambassador in the Mediterranean, was intended to converge with the European unification in progress.

The geopolitical vision of Gaddafi peaked in the years 2007-2010. In October 2010 , I  analyzed the geopolitical position taken by the Jamahiriya “The Europe -Africa Summit held in Sirte / Tripoli on November 29, 2010 marks the centrality of Libya both political as a driver of the African Union – which Moammar Gaddafi was the main initiator – and geopolitical as a bridge between the European Union and the African Union. The central role played by the dialogue of cultures is also the response proposed by Libya to the warlike theses of the “clash of civilizations” (…) The vision of Libya as a bridge between the Greater-Europe and the African Union , that we were the first to develop in the early 90s, is now widely accepted and adopted by the major players of African and European Unions. Note on this subject the official logo, adopted by the European Commission in Brussels , for the cultural project of cooperation between the EU and the African Union ” Visionary Africa “, where the Eurasian dimensional map of Greater-Europe includes Russia (6).


LM - CEREDD geopolitique de la destruction de la libye (2014 01 21) ENGL 2

The aggression against the Jamahiriya, scheduled in November 2010 by the U.S., NATO and Sarkozy’s France again Atlanticist, will put a sudden stop to these projects of peace and cooperation. This ” outstretched hand , which paved the way for a more fraternal and united Mediterranean Area” , it was criminal to refuse .

And the war against the Jamahiriya as those against Afghanistan and Iraq , is above all a “war against Greater-Europe ” , in the words of General Von Lohausen , German geopolitical friend of Jean Thiriart (7) , about Afghanistan. A war waged by the “European” allies of Washington , the politicians of NATO and its political appendix, the EU . An EU that exchanged a peaceful project for a chaotic geopolitical environment – a Libyan Somalia at the gates of the EU – which only benefits Washington, Tel Aviv, their “Arab” allies and a few transnational corporations.


But from the start what else to expect from the EU ? Because the positions of the EU – “Barcelona Process ” or ” Euro- Mediterranean partnership ” – and those geopolitical of Gaddafi are two completely opposite visions of the Mediterranean .

In October 2007, at the forum of the WGBSS (8) in Tripoli in the auditorium of the General People’s Congress (the Libyan parliament, burned in late February 2011 by the NTC jihadists) , before 2,000 delegates from five continents I drew in my speech on behalf of the European delegations ( 9) , the finding of the ideological split between Gaddafi and the EU politicians : ” We also greet in Gaddafi a great European who has always supported the unification and emancipation of the European continent, which he saw as an essential element of a multipolar world, free from imperialist domination. Whose pioneering vision already combines African and European unities. In this vision, Gaddafi designs Libya as a bridge between Africa and Europe. We must emphasize how much this vision is different from the Atlanticist politicians of the European Union who, they, do not build bridges , but erect the walls of a fortress. ”

I remembered how the speech of Brussels and Strasbourg on the “open European society” does not match the reality of the Fortress Europe: “in Brussels or Strasbourg , these arrogant as helpless politicians give lessons to the entire world. “Human rights , freedom of movement, freedom” they tell us . But in reality these are the walls of a fortress they erect! Wall of Schengen in the East splitting Europe in two. Barbed wire of Schengen still at the border between Morocco and Spain. And even within the European Union, two-tier citizenship . Complete for the countries of the old EEC . Limited rights for Bulgarians , Romanians or Poles…

Unworthy treatment of the European peoples categorized in peoples superior in rights and peoples who are denied the same rights. Between 1933 and 1945 , under the Nazi Reich there was nothing else. But they said it more bluntly … ” People of Lords ” and ” subhuman Slavs !” ”

Finally, I opposed the Mediterranean vision of Gaddafi and the one of the EU : “The European Union also intends to make the Mediterranean a border , one more ! The “Barcelona Process ” or ” Euro- Mediterranean Partnership ” , which Libya has refused to participate , have no other meaning . Faced with this vision, there is that of Muammar Gaddafi. Who sees the Mediterranean as a place of culture , sharing , exchange . Again there Gaddafi has the memory of the past . The one when the Mediterranean was one. Libya, which also remembers its Roman past , which knows Leptis Magna gave the Roman Empire the emperors of the dynasty of Severus. European politicians have also forgotten it ! Yes, we European activists , we prefer to follow and listen to Gaddafi, who wants to build bridges to unite, than the politicians of the European Union, who build walls to separate ! ”


This is similar to the one that destroyed Yugoslavia from 1985 to 2001 had destabilized process and destroyed Gaddafi’s Libyan Jamahiriya.

Destroyed on a scenario , a ” transition process ” – the name of the NTC of Benghazi is inspired directly by it – reminiscent closely Yugoslavia and it is not a coincidence . The transition is obviously to the Western parliamentarism, liberalism , the global economy and alignment with the U.S. and NATO !

As in Yugoslavia , Libya too, since 2003 , had a liberal wing , opposed to the socialist patriots. That gathered behind Saif Al Islam , Gaddafi ‘s eldest son , who brought liberals and Islamists ( as NTC President Abdel Jalil) in power. Please read these revealing pages of Bernard- Henry Levy on Saif in his book of personal self- propaganda on Libya ” WAR WITHOUT LIKING IT “, where he asks the question that shocks ” how who was ours ( expression is of him) could he join his father ? ” …

The Libyan regime has been destabilized and attacked from within.

Before the bombs , armies and mercenaries of NATO and USA come to finish the job . I lived inside this capture of Libya, that the socialist wing of the RCM fought . I saw how the illusions of Tripoli on peaceful coexistence and the global economy led the Libyan Liberals to form in Trojan horse and prepare the exterior assault.

On the process of transition , in Belarus ( where President Lukashenko has stopped it) , in Yugoslavia (where President Milosevic has stopped it for a decade ) and in Libya in particular , I gave in 2011 a lengthy analysis entitled ” Model of Belarus as an alternative to globalization ” , in Minsk , on the occasion of the International Conference ” THE PROSPECTS OF THE EASTERN PARTNERSHIP ” . It was filmed for PCN- TV and is available on its website (4).


The response of NATO and the EU, that of Washington , to the geopolitical and ideological challenge posed by Gaddafi, who is also defined as ” opposing the World Order ” will be the imperialist war , first of all the coup of 15-16 February 2011, and its transformation into a war of aggression disguised as civil war.

The so-called “revolt against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi ” is in fact an insurgent coup organized by the U.S. and NATO with complicity within the Muslim-liberal wing appeared in Jamahiriya since 2003. It began in Cyrenaica by the establishment of a National Transitional Council in Benghazi. Eastern Cyrenaica ( Benghazi , Derah ) was from the 80’s a rebel area where Islamists organized a subversion fueled especially by the British secret service MI6 and MI5 from London , the capital of Islamist “Londonistan”. In 1996 broke out a large armed uprising , led from London, not easily crushed.

The U.S. and NATO have also seized Libya with the help of armed gangs and jihadists. And they are Islamists employed by the CIA, holding a U.S. passport since the early 80s, who run Libya under NATO occupation . “General” Hifter , CIA agent , controls the ” new Libyan army,” al- Megaryef , the leader of liberal forces , he too former employee of the Agency, chaired the first post NTC parliament. Premier Zeidan is also an employee of the CIA , liberal in economics but Islamist in politics.


After the capture of Tripoli and the martyrdom of Sirte – the Libyan ‘Guernica’ – NATO and its jihadist proxy of NTC , Cyrenaica had proclaimed its independence which was not recognized by the authorities of the NTC . Behind this autonomy are the Libyan monarchists , driven out by Gaddafi and his Revolution of 1 September 1969 , hand-held directly by the British MI6 .

And with the monarchists , the famous ” brotherhoods Senoussi ” ( near the Turkish Islamic religious brotherhoods that form the basis of the AKP) , King Idris removed in 1969 was a Senoussi . And the leader of the new ” independent Cyrenaica ” 2013 is still a Senoussi , cousin of the king. As for the leader of the NTC , Mustapha Abdeljalil (now fled to Tunisia as indicted for the murder in July 2011 of General Younes , Chief of the katibas of the NTC ) , he was a radical Islamist unwisely placed in the government as Minister of Justice of the Jamahiriya by Saif al -Islam, and … one of the leaders of these brotherhoods Senoussi prohibited under Gaddafi . The Jamahiriya has been betrayed from within by its Islamo- liberal wing well before NATO carries the coup de grace …

The rise of Islamists and their alliance with the pro- Western liberals thus began well before the NTC of 2011. The leader of the NTC Abdeljalil was in fact the leader of the so-called “moderate” Islamists who were allied to the Liberal Libyans in Libya of the “peaceful coexistence with the West ” of after 2003, in their fight against the Jamahiryan socialist wing of the regime. Their leader , and that’s there all the drama of the Jamahiriya after 2003, was Saif Al –Islam, own eldest son of Gaddafi, who had installed the Islamists in the heart of the Libyan institutions. And especially Abdeljalil at the head of the Libyan High Court, where this extremist of Sharia had organized the case of the “Bulgarian nurses ” that cost so much to the Jamahiriya in terms of international image.


In parralel to all that, we must emphasize the fatal blow that was the dropping of Gaddafi by Moscow and the acceptance of the vote of the Security Council by Russia and China ( which followed ), which paved the way directly to the NATO aggression , at a time when the loyalist forces had restored the situation and had entered Benghazi.

A freelancer not very smart of RIA Novosti wrote at that time that “Russia had no fundamental geopolitical interests in Libya .” Huge stupidity! Moscow had there a friendly regime , economic interests and especially its single geopolitical ally in the Western Mediterranean . Who remembers that Russia should have , following the visit of Gaddafi in Russia in 2009 , had there a naval base ? Ironically, precisely in Benghazi … Upon his arrival in Moscow, end of March 2011 , the Russian ambassador , evacuated, said for his part that the dropping of Tripoli was “a crime against the vital national interests of Russia” …

The refusal of dialogue between the European and African Unions that suggested Gaddafi only benefits the enemies of the true Europe. Who were also and still are the enemies of Libya. ” In this context, the irresponsible policy of the French government, conducted on behalf of the interests of foreign lobbies , is not a fault, but a crime,” I concluded already in 2003. Need I say more ?



(*) The Russian radio VOICE OF RUSSIA presented in December 2013 the ‘Libyan route’ of Luc MICHEL :

“Luc MICHEL , specialist in geopolitics and especially Libya (we owe him a GEOPOLITICS OF THE LIBYAN JAMAHIRIYA ) .

Organizer and man of action, he is also the creator throughout Europe from mid -February 2011 of the Committees ELAC / Euro – Libyan Action Committees and in June 2011 of their African branch , Committees ALAC / Afro – Libyan Action Committees (with the Chadian Djim Ley – NGARDIGAL ), an organization supporting the Jamahiriya which continues the fight. In April 2011, he organized with the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the Libyan National Youth Organization and ELAC the only international conference – Euro- Afro-Arab – of support to the Jamahiriya “Hands off Libya” in Tripoli under the bombs of NATO.

He also held leadership positions for the Jamahiriya. From 2004 , he has headed the Pan- European Network of the World Libyan Revolutionary Committees Movement ( RCM , the backbone of the Jamahiriya), the MEDD-RCM ( European Movement for Direct Democracy , the only organization of the RCM that remained active after 2011 and whose Secretary – General is Fabrice Beaur ) . In April 2011 , he was appointed by Tripoli President of the “International Commission of the Forum of Associations against the war in Libya ” and is responsible for the coordination of the fight for the Jamahiriya in Europe and Africa. He is also the editor of the ELAC & ALAC Website .

Luc MICHEL is both an analyst of Libya but also a great witness of the aggression against the Jamahiriya, which he lived from the inside, and an actor of its defense.”



(1) LIBYA NEWS & FACTS , the newsletter of CEREDD , published in 2003 a FILE ” LIBYA 2003″ 5 special editions ( bilingual French – English) « LIBYA AT THE CROSSROADS “.

Among the articles :

Moammar Gaddafi : “The end of Arab Nationalism ”

Luc Michel : “Libya between War threats and imperialist blackmail ”

Mr Njem  : “The Jamahiriyan Revolution in the perspective of a united Africa ”

( 2) I have not been the least one to announce, in Libya (where I was for the “6th European Convention of MEDD,” the pan-European network of the  Libyan RCM held in Zawiah near Tripoli , 5-6-7 February 2011), from the early days of February 2011 the imperialist aggression announced against Tripoli (and Damascus). I was the only one among all the analysts and commentators to understand what is happening and take the exact measure of the event. At a time when all analysts let themselves to believe in the pseudo “Arab Spring.” Starting with the so-called journalists “not mainstream” shouting haro in February-March 2011 on Gaddafi as the imperialist storm rose on the Gulf of Sirte.

Cf. PCN-TV, “The Arab world is on fire”: Interview in French of Luc MICHEL for PCN-TV, on the so-called “Arab revolutions” (Tripoli, February 7, 2011).

VIDEO on Vimeo:


(3) In another analysis, I came back from 2003 on the reasons that lead – and led in 2011-2012 – to the inevitable clash between the U.S. and the Arab revolutionary regimes.



(4) In the confidence trick of peaceful coexistence between the West and its enemies

See my analyzes of socialist reforms in the USSR, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Libya, Ba’athist Iraq and Syria.

See especially: International conference “The prospects of the Eastern partnership” – Minsk 05.05.2011:

Conference of Luc MICHEL (PART.1 – 2) recovery on PCN-TV, on “Model of Belarus as an alternative to globalization” (where I mention longly the peaceful coexistence in Libya);

(5) The “3rd Congress of Polish geopoliticians” – III Zjazd Geopolityków Polskich – held in Wroclaw (Poland, 21 and 22 October 2010) was the opportunity for a brilliant intervention of Kornel Sawinski entitled “Znaczenie LIBII w geopolitycznych koncepcjach Nacjonal-Europejskiej Partii Komunitarnej (PCN) “,” Libya in the geopolitical concepts of PCN-NCP. ”

Geopolitical expert, sociologist, analyst at the ” Europejskiego Centrum Analiz Geopolitycznych” Sawinski is the Uniwersytetu Śląskiego PhD – University of Silesia – he prepares a thesis on “The geopolitical ideas of Jean Thiriart.”

The geopolitician and Polish researcher develops at length in “Libya in the geopolitical concepts of PCN-NCP” the general transnational action of the  PCN-NCP and mine for over 25 years, amplified and continued in that of  MEDD-RCM (the pan-European network of the Libyan RMC, remained organized in Europe). And its roots in the work of the pan-European leader and theorist Jean THIRIART in the 60s. He outlines the important and influential role played by the transnational Organisation of the PCN-NCP as a school of thought and “think tank” (as understood by the Anglo-Saxons). Finally, he reaches the heart of his presentation: the ties with the Libyan Jamahiriya, the proximity of Muammar Gaddafi’s geopolitical theories with mine (in 2004 I became the Coordinator-General of RCM in Europe) and the PCN-NCP on the Eurasian Greater Europe, the necessary emergence of a multipolar world, the Mediterranean conceived as a place of common civilization, or the role of Bridge of Libya between the European and African Unions.

Sawinski finally evokes the theme of Direct Democracy (in its Libyan and European versions), the role it plays in my mind and that of MEDD-RCM as a fundamental alternative to bourgeois parliamentarism.

The Polish version of the conference – with French and English summaries, has been the subject of an issue of LIBYA NEWS & FACTS (No. 2054, November 17, 2010), the Bulletin of CEREDD;

Pdf available at:

Report on :


Pdf on:

(7) Austrian General and geopolitical scientist Lohausen (1907-2002), former member of the General Staff of Marshal Rommel, close to the anti-Nazi patriots of 20 July 1944, is part of the result of the geopolitical theories of Jean Thiriart “Europe from Vladivostok to Dublin.” He wrote glowing pages on the European draft of Thiriart the Years 1960-1975.

The general’s main book of geopolitics MUT ZUR MACHT. DENKEN IN KONTINENTEN, translated for the story in French by one of the secretaries of THIRIART, is part of the School of HAUSOFER, but also incorporates many concepts of THIRIART. Lohausen in particular speaks of “Europe from Madrid to Vladivostok.” In the copy offered by Lohausen to Thiriart in 1983 (which I got with his library in 1999) is the following dedication: “In respectful tribute to a great European.”

(8) WGBSS acronym for the World Green Book Supporters Society , which united the supporters of the Libyan Direct Democracy .

(9) Luc MICHEL, Speech on behalf of the Delegations of the European continent, at the  Opening of the First World Assembly of the “International Association of Supporters of the Green Book,” Tripoli, Libya, 25 October 2009: THINKING CONTINENTS !



I borrowed my title “Thinking Continents” in the French version of the German book of geopolitics “Mut zur Macht. Denken in Kontinenten “of General Jordis Von Lohausen.

No Tav: “Ventimila offerte per pagare la condanna”
Lo sostiene il vice sindaco di San Didero uno dei tre condannati a versare un risarcimento di 214 mila euro a Ltf per aver ostacolato i sondaggi della ferrovia Torino- Lione. “Sarà un altro smacco per la politica” dice Vair
No Tav: "Ventimila offerte per pagare la condanna"
Il cantiere della Tav 

“Mezz’Italia si mobiliterà per aiutarci a risarcire la Ltf: se ci sarà bisogno 10, 20 mila persone verseranno la loro offerta: sarà un altro smacco alla politica che ruba”. Lo sostiene Giorgio Vair,  vicesindaco di San Didero, comune della Val Susa condannato a risarcire la società Lyon Turin Ferroviaire per avere ostacolato, nel 2010, i sondaggi ‘geognostici’ per la nuova ferrovia Torino-Lione, in località Traduerivi di Susa.
Il giudice ha condannato Vair, il sindaco Loredana Bellone ed Alberto Perino, storico leader del movimento No Tav: dovranno dare alla Ltf oltre 214mila euro.
“I nostri legali fanno ricorso – ha detto il vice sindaco di San Didero – ma siamo pronti a raccogliere, attraverso un impegno collettivo, il denaro stabilito in questa

 vicenda assurda, architettata per colpire il movimento No Tav”.

Nel frattempo gli oppositori della Torino-Lione stanno lavorando ad allestire, proprio a San Didero, un nuovo presidio No Tav, e ad organizzare la manifestazione nazionale del 22 febbraio: “Faremo ancora una volta sentire – ha spiegato Vair – tutta l’opposizione, non solo del movimento No Tav, alla politica che governa trattando con i poteri forti e sprecano il denaro pubblico per opere inutili”.


Aiutateci a resistere, grazie.
I contributi devono essere versati esclusivamente sul
Conto Corrente postale per le spese legali NO TAV n.1004906838
IBAN: IT22L0760101000001004906838
intestato a Pietro Davy e Maria Chiara Cebrari.” 

Le mani della ‘ndrangheta sul Terzo Valico

un’inchiesta a cura della redazione di e del Comitato No Tav – Terzo Valico di Tortona

La notizia della sospensione dell’attività di due aziende per infiltrazioni mafiose non stupisce nessuno dalle nostre parti. Trattasi della Ruberto Srl di proprietà di Daniele Ruberto (vedi visura camerale) e della Idrotecnica di proprietà di Francesco Ruberto (vedi visura camerale), entrambe con sede a Tortona in Piazza Ester Mietta 4. Che Francesco Ruberto avesse legami con la criminalità e in particolare con il clan dei Gaglianò lo sapevano anche i sassi. Idem che avesse subito delle condanne per tangenti nel caso Ezio Dò, per l’aggressione ed il pestaggio ai danni di un ambientalista facente parte di coloro che manifestavano contro la cava Cementir di Voltaggio e per aver gestito senza autorizzazione una discarica di rifiuti a Bosco Marengo. Ma anche chi non avesse prestato attenzione alle pesanti dicerie sul suo conto avrebbe dovuto aprire gli occhi dopo l’agguato che fu teso all’imprenditore nel 2007, quando fu preso a colpi di pistola e riuscì a fuggire buttandosi nei campi con il suo suv. Quello che si fa un po’ più fatica a digerire è che esistano precise direttive che impongono di dedicare la minima attenzione possibile al fenomeno. Solo la Stampa dedica un articolo al fatto, facendo tra l’altro passare le due aziende (una edile e una di smaltimento rifiuti, i settori preferiti dalla ‘ndrangheta) come due ditte qualunque, mentre sono invece tra le principali della nostra provincia. Ditte che possono vantare la costruzione dell’outlet di Serravalle, tanto per dirne una.
La triste verità è che nella nostra omertosa provincia parlare di ‘ndrangheta è qualcosa di socialmente ed economicamente sconveniente. Altrimenti non si spiega come mai gli enti continuino a dare permessi per aprire cave ben sapendo chi le gestisce e i Comuni continuino a servirsi di ditte di famiglie mafiose. Chi gestisce cave versa oneri al Comune, anche un euro a metro cubo di materiale scavato, e pecunia non olet. Se poi i buchi vengono riempiti con rifiuti tossici non è colpa loro. In Alessandria, per fare un altro esempio, dopo l’arresto del consigliere Giuseppe Caridi, condannato in appello per appartenenza alla ‘ndrangheta, ci si aspettava che il Comune facesse piazza pulita della rete di affari legata all’ex sindaco Fabbio. Invece eccolo lì, il fratello del mafioso, con la sua ditta di impiantistica elettrica egemone sul mercato alessandrino, farsi intervistare di fianco al nuovo Sindaco, come principale sponsor della festa di capodanno. Le vetrine della sua azienda in via Maggioli, ai bei tempi della giunta Fabbio, erano una bacheca elettorale del fratello. È cambiata l’amministrazione ma lui è sempre in sella, sempre a prendere appalti dal Comune, in cambio di un’elemosina per organizzare qualche festa in una città che ormai di soldi non ne ha più. Come a Genova, quando l’ex sindaco Marta Vincenzi sosteneva che non c’era alternativa a Gino Mamone, re delle bonifiche, con un’interdizione antimafia e varie inchieste pendenti, perché i mezzi che aveva lui non li aveva nessuno.
È grazie a questi meccanismi che oggi le istituzioni possono bloccare due delle principali aziende della Provincia senza che quasi nessuno se ne accorga. La ‘ndrangheta c’è, ma non diciamolo troppo forte. Niente conferenze stampa, niente telecamere, niente domande. Addirittura, secondo quanto riporta la Stampa, l’interdizione (non si capisce nemmeno se si tratti di un blocco totale delle attività o di un’interdizione dagli appalti con la pubblica amministrazione) risale a quest’estate, ad opera di Prefettura e Provincia.

Fiutando imbarazzo nel silenzio degli enti (perché bloccare due ditte con accuse così pesanti e non renderlo noto?), abbiamo fatto uno di quei “controllini” che, a quanto pare, solo noi sappiamo fare. Non perché siamo più bravi, ma perché siamo gli unici che possono permettersi di essere sinceri e non hanno paura di scrivere la verità.
Risulta che l’azienda che gestisce ed è proprietaria di parte di una delle cave destinate ad accogliere lo smarino del Terzo Valico, la cava Montemerla di Tortona situata accanto a scuole, al bordo di un popoloso quartiere e a fianco di un centro commerciale, il sito più grande nella zona del tortonese destinato ad ospitare circa 2.200.000 mt. cubi di smarino provenienti dai cantieri, sia la Euroter s.r.l.
Essa è di proprietà della signora Bettarello Giuliana Patrizia (vedi visura camerale) e ha la sede legale a Tortona sempre in Piazza Ester Mietta al civico numero 4. Guarda caso trattasi dello stesso indirizzo in cui hanno sede le due ditte dei Ruberto che hanno subito la sospensione per infiltrazione mafiosa. Sempre casualmente il Signor Ruberto Francesco e la Signora Bettarello Giuliana Patrizia risultano rispettivamente Socio e Amministratore Unico della T.R. Inerti Srl, un’altra ditta del settore sempre con sede in Piazza Ester Mietta al civico numero 4 (vedi visura camerale). Tutte coincidenze? Noi non avendone mai viste siamo pronti a scommetere di no e per avere ulteriore conferma del legame fra Ruberto e la Montemerla siamo andati a farci un giro in zona e parlando con gli abitanti ci siamo sentiti dire che Ruberto ha lavorato e lavora all’interno della cava. Se qualcuno avesse ancora dei dubbi lo invitiamo a farsi un giro da quelle parti. Ironia della sorte la Montemerla non era inzialmente prevista come cava da utilizzarsi per lo smarino del Terzo Valico e fu la Provincia di Alessandria a proporne l’inserimento nel piano cave come si evince dalla Relazione Istruttoria Finale (vedi pagina 23) preparata dall’Unità di Progetto “Terzo Valico”. Documento di relazione al Consiglio Provinciale del 15 Dicembre 2005 che diede parere favorevole, nonostante le dure contestazioni dei No Tav, al progetto definitivo del Terzo Valico.

Ora viene spontaneo farsi alcune domande. Ruberto ha interessi nella realizzazione del Terzo Valico? Considerato che nella cava operano persone legate alla ‘ndrangheta, non sarebbe il caso di controllare cosa si trova nel sottosuolo? Data la stessa premessa, è opportuno concedere l’utilizzo dell’area per lo stoccaggio dello smarino del Terzo Valico? È lecito pensare che la criminalità organizzata possa aver stretto accordi con il general contractor Cociv (Impregilo 64% – Società Italiana per Condotte d’Acqua 31% – Civ Spa 5%) per gestire lo smarino attraverso la ditta tortonese? Qualcuno ha il coraggio di dire che sarebbe la prima volta? Considerato che la presenza delle mafie sul nostro territorio è storicamente accertata dalla presenza di numerosissime aree inquinate da rifiuti tossici, che alcuni responsabili sono stati in passato individuati e arrestati, sembra intelligente aver firmato con Impregilo un protocollo antimafia che è più che altro un’autocertificazione? Tra quanti anni si potrà dire senza essere presi per matti che la nostra provincia è stata e continua ad essere terra di conquista delle mafie? Come mai e in base a quali valutazioni tecniche la Provincia di Alessandria chiese di considerare l’utilizzo della Montemerla salvo poi negli anni successivi non autorizzare per ben due volte un progetto di discarica nel medesimo sito considerata la collocazione in zona esondabile dal torrente Grue?
Ecco, queste sono le domande che un giornalista vero farebbe.

Nel nostro piccolo, dal 2011 abbiamo cominciato a tracciare una mappa, sicuramente parziale, degli affari di queste organizzazioni nella nostra zona. La Praga Holding di Persegona e Boggeri ha subappaltato molti lavori, oltre a Ruberto, alla R.G. Costruzioni dell’affiliato alla ‘ndrangheta Romeo, dall’outlet di Serravalle ai palazzi Euronovi di Novi Ligure. Sempre loro hanno goduto del buon lavoro del mafioso Caridi come capo della commissione politiche del territorio di Alessandria per la speculazione edilizia operata a San Bartolomeo. Per tacere degli appalti pubblici, musei, strade che hanno “regalato” ai mafiosi. Ora, con il Terzo Valico, sono nuovamente all’opera le grandi ditte e il loro inevitabile sottobosco.

Ancora una volta possiamo affermare con forza che lottare contro il Terzo Valico è lottare contro la presenza della ‘ndrangheta e delle mafie in generale nel nostro territorio. Ancora una volta possiamo affermare con altrettanta forza che essere favorevoli al Terzo Valico significa, come minimo, far finta di non sapere e soprattutto non voler vedere. In altre terre la chiamano omertà. E anche in questa terra esistono sia gli omertosi sia donne e uomini che seguendo l’esempio di Peppino Impastato non hanno paura di gridare che le mafie sono una montagna di merda.

Per chi volesse approfondire sulle ditte coinvolte nei lavori di realizzazione del Terzo Valico e sul forte odore di ‘ndrangheta che si respira in basso Piemonte pubblichiamo i link ad alcuni articoli tratti da questo sito e da Consigliamo altresì di visitare il sito della “Casa della Legalità e della Cultura” dove è possibile trovare articoli molto interessanti sulla triangolazione fra politica, Terzo Valico e ‘ndrangheta in basso Piemonte e in Liguria.

Da Arquata a Tortona: siamo con voi! 02/10/2013

Contro le mafie, contro il Terzo Valico 30/09/2013

Lauro Spa: criminali che si aggirano per Voltaggio 26/09/2013

Arquata Scrivia: un bel posto dove seppellire rifiuti tossici? 09/08/2013

L’impresa delle mega-frodi fornirà il cemento del Terzo Valico 08/08/2013

Ruspe bruciate a Serravalle, puzza di ‘ndrangheta 31/07/2013

Ecco un’altra ditta dei soliti noti 03/06/2013

Un boss a Castelnuovo 23/04/2013

Terzo Valico, ancora ditte impresentabili 19/03/2013

Cosa loro – Sulla firma del “protocollo per la legalità” 21/12/2012

NdrangheTav 14/10/2012

La mafia non esiste! 11/10/2012

C’è da mangiare anche per Lunardi…quello per cui con la mafia bisogna convivere 12/09/2012

Nelle mani dei banditi 10/09/2012

Comune di Novi, ansia da prestazione 20/08/2012

Bpm, arrestato Massimo Ponzellini per i finanziamenti a Corallo 29/05/2012

1991 /2012 – con Ponzellini si aggiunge un ulteriore tassello 30/05/2012

Alessandria – Gli affari della ‘ndrangheta. Non ci siamo capiti! 19/09/2011

Alessandria – Gli affari della ‘ndrangheta 05/09/2011



di FABIO TANZILLIAcciaierie Beltrame di San Didero ad un passo dalla chiusura definitiva: dopo tante parole, riunioni politiche, progetti di “sviluppo” fantasiosi legati alla Tav, ecc. ai 350 operai della fabbrica valsusina resta solo un’amara verità. Da oggi é iniziata ufficialmente la mobilità, e tra 75 giorni gli operai valsusini perderanno tutti il lavoro, a meno di un’ultima spiaggia. Ossia se la proprietà di Vicenza sarà in grado di proporre l’attivazione di una cassa integrazione straordinaria, che potrà durare ancora 12 mesi, proponendo un minimo di rinnovamento e investimenti, sperando che in quest’anno la situazione economica globale possa migliorare. Ma proporre in queste condizioni un nuovo piano industriale per salvare San Didero, non sarà facile. Nell’incontro tenutosi martedì all’Unione Industriale di Torino tra proprietà e sindacati, i vicentini hanno spiegato chiaramente che non hanno più soldi e liquidità di investire. L’azienda ha anche detto che non intende anticipare i soldi della cassa integrazione, proprio perché non ha abbastanza denaro nelle casse. Per questo, in molti temono che – se arriverà dall’azienda un ultimo piano per tirare il fiato ancora 12 mesi – potrebbe anche non coinvolgere tutti i 350 operai, lasciandone comunque una parte a casa (circa 150). “A San Didero, una speranza forse ce l’hanno ancora quelli del reparto laminatoi, dove lavorano circa 200 operai – spiega Vincenzo Pepe, sindacalista Uil – mentre chi rischia davvero é il reparto acciaieria, con circa 150 dipendenti che rischiano seriamente ad aprile di essere lasciati a casa”. Sembra ormai scontato che i licenziamenti comunque arriveranno, e a pagarne le spese maggiori saranno i lavoratori del reparto acciaierie, destinato alla chiusura. Per questo, oggi nella fabbrica valsusina si terrà l’assemblea dei lavoratori: probabilmente saranno organizzate nuove azioni per riportare alta l’attenzione sul caso Beltrame. Si prevedono scioperi e blocchi ai cancelli. “Chiediamo alla Regione di intervenire e frasi sentire con la proprietà di Vicenza – aggiunge Pepe – perdere in Valle di Susa 350 posti di lavoro, senza contare l’indotto, sarebbe davvero una sciagura”. Ma il piano di salvataggio della Beltrame, che prevedeva sgravi fiscali, agevolazioni e sconti sulle tariffe energetiche, ecc. legati al progetto Tav, dove é finito? Ad una delle riunioni aveva partecipato anche il commissario della Torino-Lione, Mario Virano: “Alla fine, di tutte quelle belle idee é rimasto solo fumo, purtroppo – risponde il sindacalista Pepe – la legge di stabilità ha bloccato tutto, perché il progetto per passare doveva essere approvato da ben quattro ministeri”.





 Contributions can be made to the following account:

“Spese legali NO TAV” (Legal fees)

IBAN : IT22L0760101000001004906838  – BIC : BPPIITRRXXX

c/o BancoPosta in the name of

Pietro Davy Maria Chiara Cebrari

On the 7th of January 2014 (filed on 1/14/14) the Ordinary Court of Turin, detached section of Susa, ruled: “We jointly condemn and hold Alberto Perino, Loredana Bellone and George Vair to the payment of punitive damages amounting to € 191,966.29 to the plaintiff [LTF]” as well as  € 22,214.11 to be paid to LTF sas for legal fees, for a total amount of € 214,180.40.

The civil lawsuit was filed by LTF sas because, according to them, on the night between 11 and 12 January 2010 they were prevented from carrying out the S68 survey in the area of the Susa autoporto (truck parking). The geognostic or exploratory surveys S68 and S69 were useless, so much so that they were never conducted or proposed again, neither in the preliminary draft nor in the final draft project for the international section of the Turin – Lyon new railway line.

That night, not far from the autoporto (truck parking), hundreds of protesters congested road access to prevent geognostic survey operations.

The Digos (the Division of the Italian Police for General Investigations and Special Operations) said that police forces would not come to clear out the protesters, they would politely ask to do the survey and, if they were refused, they would go away. And that’s what happened.

Later we discovered that it was a trap to tie the NO TAV Movement’s hands employing a new strategy: the imaginary claim for damages amounting to hundreds of thousands of Euros charged to key figures in the movement.

LTF had secretly entered into a contract (never recorded) with the company CONSEPI spa, which boasted a land lease on the area owned by the Town of Susa, for the use of two areas of about 150 square meters each; the price was absolutely mad: € 40,000 for the first four days and € 13,500 per day for the following days, for a total of € 161,400 VAT included.

This contract served only to inflate the costs and therefore the claim for damages. CONSEPI’s 2010 financial statements affirm:

“The facts are well known, they date back to a time when the driving courses organised by CONSEPI had high attendance rates, particularly by new licensees.”

“…CONSEPI was consulted by the Prefect and by LTF and clearly explained the situation, asking for a two or three-week delay in the surveys, pointing out that in that case the costs contractually agreed by LTF would be far lower.”

“… Therefore the amount of expenses incurred by LTF arises from the fact that LTF and the Prefect ignored the explicit requests of CONSEPI and were intransigent when asked to postpone the surveys, refusing to delay them.”

In fact LTF had stipulated a private agreement with CONSEPI in order to gain access to the above plot, paying out 161.400 € to CONSEPI to be allowed to use a plot the size of a few square metres that had already been granted for temporary occupation by a previous administrative authorisation at almost zero cost, as required by Italian law on expropriations and temporary occupations.

All this was done  in violation of  all principles for the sound management of public funds.

The unequivocal proof that the sum paid by LTF and CONSEPI was entirely unjustified is also confirmed by the European Commission through the OLAF (European Anti-Fraud Office In reply to our report on the subject it stated that:

“The European Commission has not paid the expenses as they are not eligible.” (Letter ref. N° OF/2010/0759 – 29/10/2013)

The useless campaign for the surveys at the beginning of 2010 proved to be a colossal bluff, contrived for the purpose of announcing to the U.E. that works had been started; this is indisputable as only 5 out of 34 expected surveys were fulfilled, covering a total length of 243 linear metres out of the 4,418 expected.

Now the NO TAV Movement’s Legal Team will file an appeal but, being a civil suit, if LTF demands immediate payment, it will be necessary to pay in order to avoid foreclosures or mortgages on the assets of the three people that were sentenced to punitive damages.

The NO TAV Movement hasn’t the economic means to meet these demands. All this was  devised and  put to use with the aim of obliterating our struggle.

It’s no coincidence that the newspaper “La Stampa” on 22 September 2010, shortly before the opening of the lawsuit, wrote: “The recourse to civil lawsuits against the No Tav could thus become an instrument of deterrence that the  subjects appointed to the planning and the execution of the work could resort to,  in order to restrain the protest.”

The NO TAV MOVEMENT is already sustaining enormous expenses for legal defenses and is unable to bear this tremendous blow alone. Therefore, with great humility and much dignity and confidence, we ask all those who have told us: “Do not give up!”, “You are the only hope for this country,” “Resist also on our behalf ” to provide concrete economic support to enable us to hold out against the State and the strong, mafia-related vested interests  that want to keep us silent and “well-behaved”.

More than 400 people are accused of resistance against this unnecessary and imposed mega project which is going to destroy the environment and the finances of this country, and which excludes the possibility of building other smaller necessary projects.






Main topics of the week:

Al-Qaida / Political crisis in EU / Sochi games /

PCN-TV with RT – PCN-SPO / 2014 01 12/

PCN-TV - RT weekly news 2014 002 (2014 01 12) ENGL

The Russian TV channel ‘RT’ news – former ‘Russia Today’ – for an alternative information to the dual language, double standards, lies and propaganda of the NATO’s medias …

Video on:

Main topics of the week:

RT News – January 12, 2014/

AL-QAEDA openly waves its black flags over two Iraqi cities, with thousands of refugees fleeing the impending bloodbath, as the U.S.-backed army prepares for a counter-attack on the insurgent forces. While in Syria, Al-Qaeda-linked rebels and other opposition groups engage in bloody infighting – the growing divisions among those aiming to topple Assad are threatening the upcoming peace talks. Syrian rebels turn on each other in a merciless turf war, with over 500 fighters killed in Islamist clashes over just one week sparking a change of heart among some of their foreign backers.

EU/ The backing of EU leaders dips to an all time low, with undermined trust in politicians affecting the way people see the common currency, as they look for a replacement. Confidence in the EU’s leaders has never been lower, according to a new poll – at least in the hard-hit areas of Europe, where governments are scrabbling for solutions to an entrenched economic crisis.

SOCHI/ with security being a major concern at the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi – we take a look at how the host city is making sure athletes and spectators are protected. With a month before the Winter Olympics starts , the host city is putting a priority on security to make sure the Games remain safe and undisturbed.




Agence TEM/ Trans-Europa Médias

Pablo Girault, Thierry Kruger

Ed. Montparnasse

TEM - posts - DVD La possibilite (2014 01 22) (1)

« Lorsque l’Homme se résigne à ne plus être à la mesure de son monde, il se dépossède de toute mesure »

– Jacques Ellul

« C’est quoi un docutopique ? Un documentaire traitant de l’Utopie, qui veut dire “un lieu qui n’existe pas”. C’est un mot inventé par un philosophe anglais du XVIème siècle, aussi chancelier du roi, donc ministre, et qui à cause de cela, à perdu la tête ! En 2012 est sorti en salle un film réalisé par un prof de philo qui a ouvert la voie à ce sous-genre que nous voulons concrétiser : filmer ce qui n’existe pas pour la plupart d’entre nous, public dit “occidental”. »

– Thierry Kruger

# Un « docutopique » sur la société postmoderne

par les auteurs de Sous les pavés, la terre !

À travers l’art et les outils primitifs, nous découvrons les prémices de l’humanité.

Puis le film, à l’instar de notre société moderne, opère un basculement :

l’agriculture et son évolution, la révolution industrielle et la nouvelle ère techno-scientiste. Derrière la technique et les machines nous entrevoyons le travail, notamment le salariat intimement lié à la (sur)consommation.

Quelle est la place du travail ?

L’argent est-il encore un moyen ?

Le consumérisme est-il indissociable de notre monde ?

L’écologie sincère peut-elle faire le poids face au greenwashing?


Avec la participation de :

Raoul Vaneigem, écrivain, philosophe, révolutionnaire

Paul Ariès, politologue, écrivain, intellectuel de référence du courant de la Décroissance et de l’écologie politique

Hélios Azoulay, compositeur

Peter Moore, activiste québécois

Peter Owen Jones, pasteur anglican et producteur

Alain Deneault, docteur en Philosophie

Marc Luyckx Ghisi, prospectiviste, conseiller européen,

Éric Pétetin, dit L’Indien, activiste français

Naïm Bornaz, rappeur décroissant

Enric Duran, dit Le Robin des banques, activiste espagnol

François Jarrige, chercheur en Histoire contemporaine

Noël Godin, dit L’Entarteur, activiste belge

Emir Kusturica, cinéaste, acteur et musicien

Béta Simon, chanteur de reggae ivoirien

Marc Dufumier, ingénieur agronome

Jean-Didier Vincent, neuropsychiatre et neurobiologiste


Interview pour ‘Feminin Bio’ (2013) :

Extraits :

« Ce docutopique, c’est de la philo grand public, maintes questions que l’on pose et auxquelles il nous faudra trouver les réponses. Le message c’est : réfléchissons ensemble, discutons et voyons ce que nous voulons vraiment. Pour nous, nos enfants, nos proches, dans dix ans, vingt ans, voire cent ans. C’est de faire qu’on se cause à nouveau, aille vers l’autre, cesse de manger tout crû l’information pré-mâchée et stéréotypée.

Ce film porte à la réflexion parmi des dizaines d’autres… Soyons optimiste, parmi les centaines d’autres, fictions ou documentaires qui sortent chaque année partout sur la planète. C’est une petite pierre à faire parler. Vous la jetez en l’air et quand elle retombe les gens font “oooh” parce qu’elle a changé de couleur ! Elle a pris la couleur de leur espérance. »

« Il s’agit de vivre avec “moins de biens et plus de liens”, de produire moins de trucs inutiles, mais plus de trucs vraiment utiles, nouveaux, bienfaisants. C’est trouver et retrouver tout ce qui marche dans tous les domaines de la vie, tant dans l’alimentation, le transport, l’habitat, les relations sociales, de couples, de genres et entre générations, les relations entre le politique et les citoyens, la foi en un dieu ou en l’homme et le Monde.

Je pourrais vous démontrer que “croissance” ça n’a rien à voir avec “emploi” si on ne se pose pas la question : qu’est-ce que l’on fait croître ? Les écoles, les maternités, les hôpitaux, les bibliothèques, les objets solides et qui durent, les maisons pas chères et qui produisent leur propre énergie, la nourriture sans pesticides ni antibiotiques ? Ou est-ce que l’on veut vraiment plus de prisons, d’armes, d’argent pour les gens déjà riches, de pollution, de déchets, de cancers, augmenter le coût de la vie avec les carburants ou les modes de productions de l’électricité… »

« Il s’agit d’une question vitale, préserver la nature et la nature humaine pour les générations futures. Cela suppose de refonder une démocratie véritable, et d’avoir de vrais rapports avec ses voisins, ses gosses, bref, faire partie d’une vraie société qui décide où elle veut aller. »


TEM / 22 janvier 2014 /


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Mikhail GAMANDIY-EGOROV/ La Voix de la Russie /

Revue de Presse / Syria Committees Website / 2014 01 21/

Syria meeting at the United Nations in Geneva

Editorialiste à la radio russe La Voix de la Russie et éditeur du Site ‘L’Axe Afrique-Russie’ (Moscou), Mikhail GAMANDIY-EGOROV donne une bonne vision du point de vue russe sur la guerre de Syrie et la Conférence de Genève II :

# La conférence de paix Genève 2 aura finalement bien lieu. Après maintes tractations, ladite opposition syrienne CNS (la Coalition nationale syrienne) a confirmé sa participation à la conférence qui devrait avoir lieu dans les prochains jours, le 22 janvier pour être exact, dans la ville de Montreux, en Suisse.

Le secrétaire général de l’ONU Ban Ki-moon s’est félicité de la tenue de la conférence. En effet, il y a encore tout récemment, personne ne pouvait garantir que la conférence aurait bien lieu ou qu’elle ne serait pas reportée une fois de plus. Ladite opposition syrienne en exil réclamait inlassablement au « préalable un accord de principe pour l’abdication de Bachar al-Assad ».Une « réclamation » catégoriquement rejetée par le gouvernement de Damas qui avait déclaré que Genève 2 devait être convoquée sans aucune condition préalable. Une opinion également partagée par la Russie.

Néanmoins, le chef de l’opposition en exil Ahmad Jarba continue d’insister sur le fait que leur « seul but » dans cette conférence sera le départ du président Bachar al-Assad. Bien que (et ils le savent pertinemment) cette exigence est totalement irréaliste. L’armée arabe syrienne connait des succès sur le terrain presque chaque jour qui passe et vraisemblablement est en train de l’emporter. Quant à Bachar al-Assad, il a déclaré lors d’une réunion avec les parlementaires russes en visite à Damas, qu’il ne compte nullement abdiquer : « Si nous voulions nous rendre, alors nous l’aurions fait dès le départ. Nous sommes de garde pour notre pays. Cette question est hors de discussion. Seul le peuple syrien peut décider qui doit ou non participer aux élections ».

En effet, peu de motifs pousseraient le président syrien à partir et ce pour plusieurs raisons. Mis à part le succès de l’armée syrienne et la responsabilité de lutter contre les groupes terroristes et extrémistes présents sur le sol syrien, Bachar al-Assad dispose du soutien de la grande majorité de son peuple, dans sa diversité ethnique et confessionnelle. A ce propos, on se souvient bien encore du rapport de la CIA du milieu de l’année dernière qui avait reconnu « qu’en cas de participation du président syrien en 2014 à l’élection présidentielle de son pays, il serait accrédité de 75% des voix ».

Pourquoi donc Bachar al-Assad se plierait-il à des « exigences » d’une minorité politique (elle-même très divisée), et composée de plus majoritairement de « Frères musulmans » ouvertement islamistes ? Une « opposition » très loin de représenter un pays aussi multiethnique et multiconfessionnel comme la Syrie. Une minorité politique n’ayant aucun soutien massif de la part du peuple syrien, si ce n’est des mercenaires intégristes venus de divers coins du monde et généreusement sponsorisés par l’Arabie Saoudite et le Qatar. Ce serait donc cette « opposition » là qui devrait prendre le relais ? Tout le monde a le droit bien évidemment de rêver mais il faut aussi savoir garder (ne serait-ce qu’un minimum) les pieds sur terre.

Au lieu de réclamer hystériquement le départ d’Assad, pourquoi la dite opposition n’accepterait-elle pas de se joindre aux forces gouvernementales afin d’éliminer la gangrène terroriste du pays qu’ils disent « représenter ». Cela n’aurait fait que leur donner ne serait-ce qu’un peu de légitimité aux yeux du peuple syrien. Mais ils ne feront jamais. Pourquoi ? Pour la simple et bonne raison que cela n’est nullement dans l’intérêt des parrains de l’ISOS (l’internationale salafiste opérant en Syrie), à savoir les gouvernements saoudiens, qataris, ainsi que d’un bon nombre de pays occidentaux sans oublier l’implication de l’Etat sioniste, et qui ne le permettront jamais à leurs pions.

Les perspectives donc de la conférence Genève 2 sont vraisemblablement les suivantes : soit les représentants de ladite opposition acceptent de se joindre au processus politique proposé par le gouvernement syrien, soit ils continuent à formuler des exigences irréalisables et décidées par des agents externes mais aucunement syriens. Pour finir, personne ne pourra désormais dicter au gouvernement syrien quoique ce soit. Le principal objectif étant pour ce dernier de se débarrasser définitivement des terroristes restants sur le territoire syrien, de moins en moins nombreux grâce à l’efficacité et la persévérance de l’armée arabe syrienne avec le soutien du peuple de Syrie. La Syrie, terre de civilisations, a déjà montré qu’elle ne se mettrait jamais à genoux devant des criminels barbares, ni devant ceux qui tirent les ficelles de ces parasites terroristes, et poursuivra la résistance. Et quoiqu’il en soit, c’est cet axe de résistance qui l’emportera certainement !

Mikhail GAMANDIY-EGOROV/ La Voix de la Russie /

(© 2005—2013 La Voix de la Russie/

Publié le 21 janvier 2014 avec l’aimable autorisation de l’auteur)