Pungesti, Romania: Chevron, fracking e proteste

Posted By Maria Rita D’Orsogna On 10 dicembre 2013

Screen+Shot+2013-10-17+at+9.15.11+AM [1]

 Foto Pungesti, Romania vs. Chevron 1 [2]

“La nostra priorita’ e’ di sviluppare le nostre attivita’
in un modo responsabile per l’ambiente.
Rispettiamo il diritto delle persone di esprimere le loro opinioni
ma pensiamo che debbano essere espresse secondo i limiti di legge.”

Le balle della Chevron a Pungesti, Romania.

E quale legge considerato che la Chevron e politici corrotti hanno fatto tutto
il loro comodo in Romania dal primo giorno che sono arrivati?

Le proteste dei rumeni contro il fracking da parte della Chevron continuano – un altra storia di prepotenza e di petrolieri.


]Ad Ottobre 2013 la Chevron aveva iniziato i suoi lavori di fracking nel nord est della Romania. C’erano state gia’ allora proteste e scontri con la polizia, dopo che alcuni contadini si erano accampati nei siti da trivellare in segno di protesta.

Siamo a Pungesti – la Chevron vuole trivellarla, la gente vuole coltivare la terra.

E’ stato a suo tempo una cosa a suo modo molto bella – la gente e’ andata fin da Bucarest ad accamparsi con i residenti di Pungesti per solidarieta’, da tutto il mondo sono arrivati messaggi di supporto e c’e’ stato l’eroico Monsignr Vasile, che da arcivescovo e’ diventato attivista.

I residenti sono riuscita a tenere duro per un paio di mesi, ma lunedi’ 2 dicembre la polizia e’ intervenuta di nuovo, con la violenza, bloccando la strada verso la citta’ principale, Vaslui, e arrestando circa 40 persone. Alcune di loro sono state malmenate.

“The police arrived, they beat us and dragged us away. They forced us out of the camp we had set up and blocked the road, not even school buses are allowed to pass” Elena Privac

“Military Police have blocked all access roads to the city . Twenty people were beaten up now . There patrols constantly, everywhere, who intimidate and threaten the population. They force small shops to close, and intimidate anyone who tries to help. The children can not go to school , the sick can not go to the doctor . Access Press is strictly prohibited ! Some residents said they had been beaten while they were collecting firewood in their own forest. It’s like living under occupation in wartime ! Please help us, and share this information!”. Domintean Zina

Ai giornalisti non e’ stato permesso l’accesso. C’erano circa 1000 agenti di polizia. Alcuni residenti riportano che alcuni dei poliziotti sono andati nelle scuole a dire ai bimbi che se non dicevano ai propri genitori di essere favorevoli al progetto Chevron, avrebbero avuto voti bassi.

La cosa interessante e’ che il campo dove erano accampati era di proprieta’ privata. Della Chevron uno direbbe?

No, di privati contadini.

Il primo ministro Victor Ponta dice e’ tutto legale.

Agli arrestati sono poi state date multe che variavano dai 50 ai 370 euros – l’equivalente di un mese di stipendio per il rumeno medio.

E come in Ottobre molte persone, molti attivisti sono scese in piazza a Bucarest e hanno lanciato una petizione ” Stop Chevron and police abuse in Pungesti” con le firme da mandare all’Unione Europea. In un giorno hanno raccolto quasi 19,000 firme.

La petizione dice

“This abusive intervention is without precedent in a democratic Romania and it follows two months of continuous harassment and intimidation of the local community. It is an irresponsible, dangerous attack on human and civil rights, as recognized worldwide.”

E la Chevron?

La Chevron dice che la loro priorita’ e’ di “conduct these activities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner”.

Evidentemente, non sanno che e’ impossibile.Che peccato, perche’ i contadini rumeni lo sanno invece.

Sulla stampa italiana, tutto tace.

Dopo proteste di due mesi, e finalmente il 7 Dicembre l’annuncio della fine dei lavori, ecco che il giorno dopo i nostri beniamini della Chevron ci ripensano e annunciano di volere tornare a trivellare a Pungesti, in Romania, questa volta con “metodi convenzionali”. [5]

Dopo un giorno! Ma chi gli crede?

Vorrei proprio sapere che ne pensano Letta e Scaroni e Michele Marsiglia di questo shale gas in “Europa” e se e’ questo che vogliono per l’Italia e per tutto il resto del continente.

Ecco qui il comunicato degli attivisti di Romania, scritto da Maria Olteanu, che e’ li a Pungesti.

SOS Romania! We desperately need your help!

Terror in Pungesti and whole Romania due to Fracking operations of Chevron! Chevron has started a real war against the Romanian people, backed by the Romanian government, while using the heavy and brutal arm of the militarised police, the Riot Police.

In a country where the property rights are blatantly breached, the freedom to express is abusively prohibited, the right to free movement is restricted, we desperately need international solidarity!

Yesterday, the 7th of December, was a war day little covered and debated in Romania in the media, as expected.

In the first round, people, who have gathered there to send out a message to Chevron and to the Romanian Government, who has done everything to impose Chevron’s fracking project, pulled down the fence surrounding the land where Chevron abusively and illegally and despite the huge opposition of the local community, started erecting its first rig on Romanian territory. 20 people were arrested, others injured in the fights after, mainly to release the arrested ones.

The camp was fully evecuated and destroyed by the Riot Police for the reason of insalubrity! They accused the people of possession of white weapons (totally false) and flamable materials! In the camp, they only kept the gas for the generator used to fuel the camp with energy!

The Riot Police waited for the night to fall and sent out troops to the houses of the locals to look for guests (no real activists, whatsoever, mostly citizens who came there out of solidarity with the abused people of Pungesti), beat them up in their own yards, broke inside the homes and fined the people hosting non-local protesters and beat them up, while people were hiding fearful in their homes, with the lights switched off and whispering in the dark. Prior to this, the Riot Police made look like the protesters have thrown stones at one of their trucks, so that they intervene in force once again. This time, they have came to the local shop where the evicted people gathered and took away and brutally beat up some of the newly arrived leaders of the the political and environmental awakening movement in Romania. They were detained and beaten up brutally, the camera of one of them was broken. Some 11 more people were arrested. Penal files will be made for many of them and some of them will be arrested with a 29-detention mandate for researches (unlike until so far), like real criminals! The leaders of the camp are targeted!

In the mean time, in Bucharest, hundreds took to the street in solidarity with Pungesti! They were fined by the Riot Police right away and they tried to remove people from there using violence. No means are there for people to protest anymore! All types of protest are being denied to the people of

Romania and the resistance is brutally abused!

We underline, this is no local situation, the whole country is backing Pungesti! What the Romanian dictatorship wanted to do in Pungesti was to have a showcase of repression, so that it opens the way for the rest of the projects countrywide! The Romanian people will not give up the fight, but we

need any type of international solidarity!
Pungesti camp needs to resist and it will resist! Please help us to make it resist! Spread out the message worldwide that Romanians are resisting fracking and they want to inspire everyone to do so!

Today, massive protests throughout Romania will be held. Huge repression from the Riot Police will try to block our protest, just as they have doneit before. It’s just that this time, it got worse and they are desperate to silence us!

The war goes on and we need people to come down here to help us!!! The situation is desperate!

No gazaran!!!

And a last minute update, to sum up the real offensive of Chevron here after having announced at around 2 PM yesterday that it will temporarily stop the works, in a today’s press release at 8. AM, Chevron said that it resumed the works!!!

It is war! People from all over Romania will go there and to the streets and I fear the worst! You can easily cite me and proclaim the death of the feeble Romanian democracy!

Corporatocracy and heavy corruption of the local elected has killed it!

Article printed from STAMPA LIBERA: http://www.stampalibera.com

URL to article: http://www.stampalibera.com/?p=69275

Pungesti, Romania: Chevron, fracking e protesteultima modifica: 2013-12-10T23:34:49+01:00da davi-luciano
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